

Best Answer

There is a cure for Stenosis but the only way to cure it is if you have an annoying laugh and do a stupid clap after everything you do and then develop mono. After you realize that you are gay for doing this, you will no longer be named Garet Isaman and people will actually like you and you want have to chase people down for a good time.

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Q: Is there a cure for stenosis?
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What back injuries can be treated by spinal stenosis surgery?

Spinal stenosis is not back pain, but it can be a cause of back pain. Stenosis implies narrowing of the spinal canal because of thickened pedicles, or hypertrophied ligaments, or a disk bulge, or a tumor, etc. Sometimes this can cause pain if it aggravates pain-generating structures within or around the spinal canal.

Why is valvular angioplasty performed?

Valvular angioplasty is performed in children and adults to relieve stenosis. While it offers relief, it does not always cure the problem, particularly in adults.

Is there a relationship between spinal stenosis and primary hyperparathyroidism?

Because the symptoms of HPT vary widely from person to person, spinal stenosis can't be ruled in or out as a sypmptom of Hyperparathyroidism. That said, if you have been diagnosed with HPT, get the offending parathyroid gland(s) removed as that is the only "cure" for HPT.

What is Pyloric stenosis also called?

Pyloric stenosis is also referred to as hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Is lumbar spinal stenosis less severe than cervical spinal stenosis?

The difference between lumbar spinal stenosis and cervical spinal stenosis is mainly the location of the problem. however, between the two lumbar spinal stenosis is the more severe form of stenosis.

Is pulmonary stenosis dangerous?

Pulmonary stenosis can be life-threatening

What does the typical surgery for spinal stenosis entail?

Surgery to relieve the pain from spinal stenosis will not actually cure the stenosis. The surgery helps to relieve pressure from the lumbar spine in a procedure called a decompressive laminectomy. The procedure essentially involves removal of the root of the vertebrae to allow the nerves more space. In some cases, the surgery involves the fusing of the vertebrae or disc removal. However, this does not occur in all cases. It depends on the diagnosis.

How is Pulmonary stenosis prevented?

Pulmonary stenosis cannot be prevented

What is pulmonary stenosis also called?

Pulmonary valve stenosis

What does Stenosis do?

Stenosis reduces or cuts off the flow of blood

The stenosis in spinal stenosis refers to an abnormal condition of?


What is the cause of pulmonary stenosis?

Pulmonary stenosis is almost entirely congenital.