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Q: Is there a difference between thermal radiation and infrared radiation?
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What is the difference between thermal and radioactive radiation?

There is no difference

Radiation that carries thermal energy is called what?

Infrared radiation carries thermal energy

How hot is infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation is sometimes referred to as thermal radiation. The temperature of infrared radiation varies from object to object. All objects radiate infrared, even objects at room temperature and frozen objects.

What are sources of infrared waves?

Any source of heat/thermal radiation.

A heat lamp produces what radiation?

Heat travels in the form of infrared radiation. You don't use radiation todetect radiation. You use a detector that responds to the type of radiationyou're trying to detect. In the case of infrared radiation, your skin makes anexcellent detector.

What is infrared in terms of physical science?

Light waves visible by thermal radiation.

What are two other names for heat energy?

Thermal Energy or Infrared Radiation

What are the 4 heat transfers?

1.Convection 2.Infrared radiation 3.Thermal radiation 4.Conduction

What is similar to heat radiation?

We know that infrared radiation can transfer thermal energy (heat) from one place to another.

The wavelengths of thermal infrared emitted by the Earth are?

The Earth emits thermal radiation of a much lower intensity in the infrared rather than visible region . The wavelength of infrared rays is around 10^-6 meter.

What kind of thermal radiation does the Earth emit?

Infrared light+++The question answers itself: heat, (Heat is thermal by definition.)

How does thermal energy get from place to place?

If there is physical matter between two points, then thermal energy (heat) can travel between them by means of conduction or convection. If there is no material in the path, or the material in the path is transparent in the infrared, then thermal energy can travel the path by radiation.