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Sunborn by Gregory Benford

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Q: Is there a fiction story about the dwarf planet Pluto?
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What kind of story takes place on another planet or in the future. (2 words)?

science fiction

What is the name of tenth planet in solar system?

There isn't a tenth planet in the Solar System.There are 8 planets in the Solar System:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneIn addition to the 8 planets, there are 5 dwarf planets:CeresPlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisPluto and Ceres were once counted among the planets. Ceres became an asteroid, and was later reclassified as a dwarf planet; Pluto was a planet and was then reclassified as a dwarf planet.Though the dwarf planets meet 2 of the 3 requirements to be a planet, they do not qualify according to the IAU definition and hence, they are not counted among the planets.An object that is inaccurately called the 10th planet is 90377 Sedna. Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object and a likely dwarf planet discovered by Michael Brown (Caltech), Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory) and David Rabinowitz (Yale University) on November 14, 2003. It is currently 88 AU from the Sun, about three times as distant as Neptune.old Mayan story and no body would believe it. As people said the end of the world will be in 2000, and nothing happend, again the stupid Mayan said the end of the world will be in 2012........ The question here is how did they know?....... do you have an answer? you don't, because now with everything we have and we don't know if that is true or not

Where was Eris worshipped?

Because of her trouble-maker reputation, being the goddess of chaos and change, She was most likely not given the same kind of temple that Aphrodite would have been given. Instead, she was feared and only revered briefly and infrequently, lest she throw a golden apple your way.

What do you call a story that is not true?

Fiction. A work of fiction is created in the imagination of its author.

What makes a story fiction or non fiction?

Facts and real story make a story nonfiction, whereas made up and fantasy elements make a a story fiction.

Is the story black beauty is fiction or non - fiction?

It is fiction

What do you call a story that is based on a true story?

Historical Fiction.

Why is setting so important in a science fiction story?

In a science fiction story, the setting is often such a part of the plot that you might even think of it as a character. What would Star Wars be without the alien planets and outer space? Or the Pern novels without the planet and the destructive Threads?

Story clock and dagger is a spy story science fiction or romance?

it is a science fiction

Is An Indian father's plea a fiction story?

Without more context, it is difficult to determine if "An Indian father's plea" is a fiction story. It could be fiction or non-fiction depending on the author and content of the story.

What is the differience between fiction or non fiction?

"Fiction" means a made up story. "Non Fiction" means the story is based on something that really happened.

Is a biography non fiction or fiction?

Non-fiction. A biography is a story about a person's life.