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Why would you make it specifically non-violent? It's nice to have the option of running over a few peds, at least.

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Q: Is there a flight simulator game for ps3 that is non violent?
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Yes there is a Japanese Flight Simulator Comercial Aircraft game. The name is Jet de Go!

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Fairly poorly. Although a simulator can create a smaller, non-violent vortex that resembles a tornado it cannot mimic the larger-scale dynamics that actually drive a real tornado.

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Generally non violent.

How do you get 121.5 to respond on Microsoft Flight Simulator X?

if you're offline then that frequency is non responsive- it will also depend on what that frequency is for, i.e. Tower , approach etc and your distance from it.

What is non violent offender?

A non violent offender is someone who commit a crime, but was not violent in doing so. A non violent offender. Non violent offender are called such due to all different circumstances.

What is the flight simulator that is faa approved?

A flight simulator has many different aspects for FAA approval. Take a look at aeronautical systems engineering, leading Avionics Simulation design flight simulation,Flight Training Systems. Building certified FAA motion base systems They manufacture Full Flight Simulators 6 DOF systems that are Faa Qualified Level D They also make non motion Flight training devices aka FTD fully enclosed cockpit and they are FAA Qualified Level 6. There is another device called Advanced Aviation Training Device or AADT not enclosed cockpit buy utilizes same instruments as the Full Flight Simulator (FFS)

Did Malcolm X use violent or non-violent protest methods?

Malcolm X use NON - Violent! But some of his supporters did get violent.

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What is the best non violent computer game in the world?

Gravity duck. Addicting, fun, awesome.

What is a non-violent felonies?

Non violent felonies are crimes that do not involve force, a weapon, or violence. For example: embezzlement is a non violent felony. You took someone's money but did not by writing a check while you worked for him or as his broker. Dealing drugs is a non violent felony. Smuggling is a non violent felony.