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An effective way to treat a bee sting is to first and formost remove the stinger. Then the wound should be treated with a cool compress such as an ice pack.

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Q: Is there a free bee sting treatment without needing to see the doctor?
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Is there an all-natural bee sting treatment?

Baking soda and water spread on the bee sting area is a good all-natural bee sting treatment. Ice on the affected area afterwards will assist in bringing down the inflammation.

Juans treatment of Coyotitos scorpion sting with a seaweed poultice is described as being as good a remedy as any Why then do others think it inferior?

Because it has no real backbone to it, juana wants something that the doctor has because she believes the doctor knows exactly what to do.

How do you treat a bumble bee sting?

you can put mud on the sting to sooth it and the mud is supposed to draw out the venome I am no expert on the mud treatment but a bumble bee sting requires similar treatment to that of a honey bee. There are some pretty good answers and videos covering that.

What is the bee without sting called?

In honeybees, only the males (drones) do not have a sting.

What is the treatment in Australia for a scorpion sting?

Treat like snake bite

Treatment for bee sting?

Remove the stinger the same way it went in with a blunt edge. You can also apply sting relief or an ice pack.

What is the most common bee sting treatment?

There are a wide variety of bee sting treatments out there, but the most common of them all is icing the sting and taking an anti-histamine. Combining both will yield the best results.

What if your dogs nose is swollen?

Treatment depends on the cause of the swelling, and there could be several different causes. The only way to obtain an accurate diagnosis and recommended treatment, if any, is to take the dog to the Vet.

What are some bee fact?

They make great honey and without them there will be no flowers. When they sting their abdomen is torn with the sting so when they sting something they die. Without bees pollination would not happen and the human race would be wiped out.

Can a queen bee sting you without dying?


What is beer treatment on you hair good for?

yes it is it cleanses the scalp and dose not sting as much as achol

How can wasp sting effect chemotherapy patients?

One wasp sting will usually have little effect on a person who is taking chemotherapy treatment. However, in some it can lead to anaphylactic shock.