

Is there a gas you can feel?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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When it is moving we become aware of it. We feel a gas ()the air) all around us, but we become so used to it that we don't notice it unless it is doing something different - like moving quickly, or is suddelny colder or hotter than we are used to.

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Is earth rock or a gas?

It's A Rock. A Gas you can't feel. I'm going to say that yes it is a rock but our second thought was gas so don't feel mistakened

How much does a gallon of gas weight?

it depends on what gas it is. some gases are rather heavy and some you can hardly feel the weight of.

Is Natural gas tangible or not?

it is tangible but because it is so dense you won't be able to feel it

Is Saturn made of mostly of ice or rocks?

Seeing as Saturn is a gas giant, I feel none of the above is a solid answer.

When was gas discovered?

Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) is a chemical compound (N2O) found by English chemist Joseph Priestley in 1775. You may have had laughing gas when you have gone to the dentist. It is colorless and odorless and helps you feel more comfortable.