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Microsoft offers free online courses for all their Office products including Excel. You can get training on all the versions from 2003 up to 2010 at

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Q: Is there a good place to get free Excel training online?
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Related questions

Can I get training for Excel Basics online?

There are numerous companies offering excel training online. You can also obtain excel training from Microsofts website for free.

Can I take a free Excel Class online?

There are many free excel training tutorials online. Check out: for some basic excel training. Also YouTube has many videos dedicated to Excel training that do a great job and depicting some of the more complicated procedures.

Can I take an excel training class online?

There are different levels of training for Excel online ranging from free information to costly courses. Microsoft is probably the best place to start to see what can of information is available,

Where can I get Excel training online?

The official Microsoft Office online website provide self-paced training courses. They have free courses in Excel listed on their website.

Where can I find free excel training online?

Microsoft offers excel demonstrations and helpful how-to's on their website

Where can I find excel training online?

Microsoft actually has free online courses to be taken for a number of Office products including Excel. You can find them at

Is there a website that offers free excel training?

Yes. Microsoft offers several training courses for Excel online. The website is

Is there any excel training available online/?

There are several avenues available online for learning to work with excel, some of which are free tutorials. For a great free intro to using excel, try, as it provides a wonderful basic overview. Those interested in a more indepth study of excel should refer to which has a variety of free tutorials available.

Where can I learn MS Excel for free?

There are lots of websites with information on Excel. You would also get a lot of information in the Excel category on WikiAnswers. There are online tutorials. You won't always understand them, and there isn't someone there to explain them. A better way of learning Excel is to get someone to show you. A course will cost you, but someone that you know who is good at Excel could show you.

Does anyone offer excel training courses?

E-learning center would definitely be of service to you: They offer free excel training online.

Where can I find affordable Excel Training?

You can get a free Excel course at or you can choose the Microsoft course at Microsoft offers Excel training for free at You can also find many Excel training videos on

Are there any free excel classes available online?

Microsoft offers a number of free online class here: