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Mount St. Helens is near a subduction zone.

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Q: Is there a hot spot or a subdution zone near mount st helens?
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Is mount st. Helen a boundary or a hot spot?

Mount St Helens is on a convergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary caused Mount St Helens?

The cause of Mt. St. Helens' volcanism is due to the subduction melting of the Pacific Plate as it subducts under the North American Plate, located along a convergent plate boundary or fault. No, Mount Saint Helens is not on a hot spot, nor is it on a fault. Mount Saint Helens is part island arc volcanic chain (the Casade Mountaind) due to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the North American Craton. NOTE: The Farallon Plate is no longer here; it ceased to exist with the end of the Laramide Orogeny some 30 million years ago. The remnants of the Farallon Plate are the Juan de Fuca Plate of British Columbia and northwestern Washington State, and the Cocos Plate of southwestern Mexico. Neither of these microplates has any effect on Mount Saint Helens, which is in southwestern Washington. I found this answer on

Where are mount st Helens hotspots?

Mount St. Helens is not associated with a hot spot. It is the result of the Juan de Fuca Plate suducting beneath the North American Plate off the Pacific Coast of the U.S. and Canada.

How is the formation of Mount St. Helens volcano different than a hot-spot volcano?

A "hot spot" stays in the same place while the Earth's crust moves above it.

Is the hot spot near Mount Vesuvius the biggest in the world?

Vesuvius is a explosive subduction volcano, not a hot spot volcano.

What are the similarities and differences between Mount Saint Helens and Mount Kilauea?

Mount St Helens is a Composite Cone Volcano (meaning it is infrequent yet violent) and Kilauea is a Shield Volcano (meaning it is not violent). A shield volcano is widely spread between two continental crust though Kilauea is on a hot spot. Meaning it is in the middle of a plate. Composite Cone Volcanos are located between oceanic plates and continental crusts.

Why are volcanoes such as Mt St Helens on the North American plate?

Mt. St. Helens was formed when the North American Plate passed over a hot spot on the Earth's crust. A hot spot is a weak spot in the Earth's crust that magma can escape through. This hot spot is now the vent of Mt. St. Helens.

Is St Helen volcano a result of a hot spot or subduction?

Mount St. Helens is a result of subduction as the Juan de Fuca Plate is pushed under the North American Plate.

Was mt st helens formed by a hot spot or oceanic to continental convergence?

It was formed on a hot spot

What was mount fuji's hot spot?

Mount Fuji is not associated with a hot spot. It is associated with a subduction zone.

Was Mt Hood formed by a hot spot?

No. It is part of the Cascade volcanoes, which is a chain of volcanoes running from British Columbia to northern California, that are fed by a convergent boundary between the Juan de Fuca and the North American plates. The Cascade volcanoes themselves are part of the enormous Ring of Fire that roughly encircles the Pacific. The subduction zone between the Juan de Fuca and North American plates which feeds the volcanoes (including Rainier) is just a bit to the west, under the Pacific Ocean.

Is Mount Kilauea a hot spot?

Yes, Kilauea is associated with a hot spot.