

Is there a law that says your child has to do homework?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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There is on rule but child will learn by doing their homework and their parents will also understand the problem or mistake by which their child child can improve their study

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Q: Is there a law that says your child has to do homework?
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The homework will be in the child's inventory. Click on it and the popup will be either "do homework", "get help from" if there is an adult in the house, or "do homework with" if there is another child the same age in the house (child or teen).

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There is no law, however there is the general tenet in education the classroom time is intended for instruction and demonstration, and practice (homework) should be done outside of class. Keep in mind that as much "homework" as your teachers give you, they are giving themselves too, multiplied by the number of students they have. Homework must be graded, and they're not doing that during class.

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Make sure you are controlling your child that needs to complete the homework, then click on the homework that your child should have brought home from school then clicko n the option that says 'start homework' and whatever percentage that you have already started, e.g 6 percent. then if their fun is high enough then they can complete their homeowrk. They need to hand their homework in before the next day of school otherwise you risk having a visit from the social worker.

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Yes he can. There is no law that says that you can't.

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You still have to support her until she is emancipated or the law or child support agreement says stop.

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No, there's no such thing. Unless the child is dependent on the parent and is under 18. The child has to go school where the parent wants them to, but there is not a law that states that.

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nothing. there is no law that says you have to let him see the child, unless he has partial custody.

Does your child of 9 years have to see father with visitation rights in place UK law if he says he doesnt want to go?

The child can do anything he wants to :)

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Only if the order for support says they do. In California it does by law. see links

Can you move out at 17 in the state of tenneesse if you have a child?

Seventeen is not the same as 18, even if you have a child. Until you are an adult, Tennessee law says the parents are responsible for the minor.

Should parents have to sign their child's homework?

I see no harm in doing this at the elementary school level. It ensures that yes, the child did sit down and do their homework.

Can a child renounce parents?

There is no specific law as of such that says you can renounce your parents. Since it is biological parents or children cannot renounce each other. But still they can go to law if something is against the law and the law decides.