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Q: Is there a letter Q in the Ancient Greek alphabet?
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Words that start with Q in ancient Greece?

There is no Q in the ancient greek alphabet. There was a qoppa, but it was an allophone for kappa - see I am doing a project for school right now on Ancient Greece. We have to have a word for each letter of the alphabet. For "Q" I put quail. The Greek god Hephaestus's' favorite bird was the quail. There are not any other words involved with Ancient Greece that start with "Q". I hope this helped you.

Words in the greek language starting with Q?

There's no letter Q in the Greek alphabet.

What is 17th letter of alphabet?

It depends on which alphabet you are talking about: English: Q Greek: Rho (P) Hebrew: peh (פ)

Is there a q in the greek alphabet?


What letter in the English alphabet is after 'q'?

The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "R" comes after the letter "Q".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Was q the first alphabet invented?

no it wasn't it was the Greek alphabet that was the first

What is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet?

The seventeenth letter of the alphabet is the letter "Q."

How do you spell queen in greek?

IF you have bed bugs, it is important for you to get rid of them. The easiest solution will be to call a professional pest control company. They will be able to make sure that all of the bed bugs are rid of.

What are the 6 English letters the greek alphabet does not have?

The Greek alphabet does not have the letters: J, Q, W, X, Y, and Z.

What are ancient greek words that start with Q?

I dont think the Greeks had a letter which can be directly compared to the modern day Q

Does the letter q exist in Russia's alphabet?

No there is no letter q in the Russian cyrillic alphabet, as the Cyrillic K (К) usually replaces Q in most loanwords.

What letter does not belong to the alphabet?
