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You can recursively nest as many if / elseif statement groups as you'd like, provided there is enough room to store the PHP file on a computer.

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Q: Is there a limit to nesting elseif statements in PHP?
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How do you insertupdate and delete queries in a one form by using php?

It is not possible for an html form to do 4 simultaneous process. What you need to do is create 4 html forms for insert, update, delete, show data on same php page. Use if...elseif....else statements to load alternative forms on the same page and process them according to user input. User doesn't know there are 4 separate forms. Use <?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> to process form & output other forms on same page.

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As many as you like. Its unlimited. :)

How does PHP work?

PHP is a programming language that stands for PHP Hypetextual Processing (recursive acronym). Technically PHP is just a program that lives on your computer which interprets code and executes PHP statements line by line. The PHP interpreter will execute changes to your computer or run-time environment based on the low-level instructions that the programmer issues.

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displaying a variable in php using echo statement? <?php $name="ram"; //declaring and defining the variable echo "$name"; //printing the variable using echo command ?>

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Code Below: <?php $j = 100; // Set limit upper limit echo "Even Numbers are: <br/>"; for($i=1;$i<=$j;$i++) { if($i%2) { continue; } else { echo $i."<br/>"; } } ?>

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there are not many similarities, except the if and else statements, loops, etc... but PHP talks to the server, JavaScript can't. That's why both languages have totally different functions. If you only use basic JavaScript, PHP doesn't differ too much.

How can you increase the execution time of php script?

You can use the set_time_limit function to increase the execution time of a php script. Example: set_time_limit(120); // Sets the time limit to 2 minutes

What are the different commands in php?

PHP doesn't use typical computer commands, typed in command prompt. PHP is a server-side scripting language and it uses functions, classes, objects, conditional statements, loops, operators, various data types and some other language constructs.

How do you get data back and forth between HTML and PHP?

Via AJAX. Another simpler way would be to use form elements and submit them via html and let PHP process the data. Processed data can be output in html form via echo or print statements in php.

What php command to be used to redirect visitotors to customized thank you page after submitting the form?

You should write this line of code before any text is sent to the browser. Remember, even the HTML tag counts. So you can type: <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) header("location:"); ?> Remember that if statements and other PHP statements that don't actually send output would work, but any output sent to the browser won't. Be careful of that!

What are the MySQL statements and their uses?

There are a large number of mysql statements, all with different results and outcomes. I'd recommend looking through a tutorial like to get a good idea of how to use them

How do you parse very large XML feeds into MySQL with PHP?

You will use an xml parser like simple xml. If you will focus on timeout/connection time out in curl and script time out in php is set to 0(no limit) it will help.