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Q: Is there a link between the black death and any modern diseases?
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What were the most common medieval diseases?

The black death

What diseases were cause of death in 1942?

the black death was a major killer in that time period

Do you still have black death today?

Yes, The black death is the bubonic plague. Though it is rare, there are still modern cases of the disease.

Which trade route brought previously unknown contagious diseases to the Han Empire?

black death

Can you get diseases from flea bites?

One disease spread by flea bites was called Black Death.

How did the black death travel from Sarai modern- day Volgorgrad to Cairo?

black death traveled mostly Via trade routes. With the help of rats and fleas.

Did the Black Death come to Canada?

No it did not come into Canada, as Canada was not discovered by Europeans yet. However, the Black death usually refers to Bubonic Plague so if you are talking about modern times the Black death did come to Canada. However, most would agree, the Black Death did not come to Canada

Is it possible to have more than 1 type of the same disease?

YES! the Black Death plauge was found to have a combanation of diseases.

What difference is between the Bubonic plague and the black death?

This is history!

What disease do the Africans suffer from?

Malaria is one of the most common diseases suffered from in Africa.You forgot HIV/AIDS and Black Death

What are the differences between the Black Death and the Spanish Flu?

The black death or bubonic plague as it is also known, and smallpox, were two entirely different diseases caused by different types of germs, although they were similar in being highly infectious and highly lethal, causing millions of deaths.

Why did the Europeans name this disease the black death?

The Europeans named this diesease the black death because of the black buboes appearing under your arms and between your legs these were of a black colour and the size of an onion their feces were black and explosive