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Q: Is there a long waiting time to get on the bridge?
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Does it sound natural It was a long time you were waiting for it?

It does not sound natural that you were waiting for a long time for it

Why does my friend get scared of waiting a long time?

Your friend might have Macrophobia. This is the phobia of waiting for a long time.

An occurrence at owl creek bridge?

in what ways are the condemned man's perceptions of time and motion distorted as he is waiting to be hanged?

How much time is wasted on waiting?

However long you waited

What are the positive and negative aspect of bridge?

some bridge has long span anddoesnot last for long time. it collapse when wind comes.

How long is a long period of time?

It depends on what you consider long. Usually if your waiting for something exciting to happen (even if it's not a long time to wait) it feels like really long time! It depends on the perspective. If you are in a hurry and waiting for a train because you are late for work, a long time could be one minute. But if you are waiting for quitting time , one second could be a long time

Was the towers of tower bridge a jail a long time ago?

No, the towers house the bridge lift equipment.

What was waiting for the three billy goats gruff at the bridge?

a troll

How long can you wait to remarried after divorce in Romania?

Any imposed time of waiting.

What if there were no bridge connecting the two parts of Michigan?

you would have to drive a long time!

How long after you divorce you have to wait to get married in Iowa?

In Iowa, there is no waiting time to be remarried after a divorce. There is a three day waiting period after the purchase of a marriage license.

What is an example of an hyperbole that has to do with waiting for a long period of time?

i waited such a long time that when i really asked you out you were already taken anf had been with 4 gitls already