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Yes, there is a monthly subscription if you want to experience the full game. There are various subscriptions models, they are listed below.

$29.99 for 60 days (one time purchase)

$14.99 for 30 days (billed every 30 days to your payment of choice)

$13.99 for 90 days ($41.97 billed every 90 days to your payment of choice)

$12.99 for 180 days ($77.94 billed every 180 days to your payment of choice)

If you do not want to pay for the game, there is also two free to play options.

1. Completly free to play, no money what-so-ever. Notice: VERY limited on perks, benefits, and cannot experience the entire game, although you get to experience the class story lines.

2. Prefered status: You become prefered status if you make at least one purchase from the online store. Prefered status is still free to play, but with more benefits. IE. more chat functionality, able to keep more credits, etc.

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Q: Is there a monthly pay for Star Wars The Old Republic?
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How much money do you have to pay monthly for star wars the old republic?

If you wish to pay for Star Wars: The Old Republic, then it is $14.99 per month. If you wish to not pay, then it is $0.00 per month, but you get a gimped version of the game.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic is a subscription MMO, so there are monthly payments. However, if you don't want to subscribe to monthly payments you can buy 'Game Time Codes' that essentially give you a month's play time.

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You get one month free when you but the game. Then there is a monthly subscription to keep playing it.

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No. Star Wars The Old Republic will remain a online MMO.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic was released on December 20, 2011.

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Yes, you can play with certain limits without paying the monthly fee.

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the old republic is a fiew hundred years before the clone wars

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Star Wars: The Old Republic was released to the world on December 20th, 2011.

Is star wars the old republic for PS2?

Star Wars The Old Republic (released 2011) is currently playable on PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (released 2003) was available on Xbox as well as pc

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no star wars the old republic is a new mmog game coming out spring 2011.

When is Star Wars the knights of the old republic released?

it already is released go on type star wars old republic