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No, there is not. Singleplayer only.

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Q: Is there a mp44 in cod4 campaign?
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What is the top ten guns on cod4?

No.1-mp44 No.2-Ak-74u No.3-Saw No.4-Mini Uzi No.5-M21 No.6-RPD No.7-M60E4 No.8-MP5 No.9-P90 No.10-G36C

Which airsoft gun is best cybergun Thompson agm mp40 or schmeisser mp44?

Agm mp44 by far.

What is better cod5 or cod4?

Call of Duty 4 definately, i mean the multiplayer and campaign is 100x better than call od duty 5's. The maps and selections you have on cod4 multiplayer is just AMAZING. The only positive thing i have to say about cod5 is zombies. Cod5: Zombies is definaely one of my favorite things to do w/ frineds online

What is the difference between stg and the mp44?

Not a thing. StG was just a more literal name for the MP44 (the StG prefix stands for Sturmgewehr, and MP stands for maschinenpistole).

Call of duty 4 nazi zombies unlock cheat?

Their isn;t Nazi Zombies for Cod4 but for Cod5 yes, and their isn;t a unlock cheat. Just beat the campaign.

Should I get Cod4 or Codworld at war I want an opinion from someone?

cod4 for sure

How do you download 1.7 on COD4 PC?

google and look for cod4 1.7 updater

Where can one purchase an MP44?

An MP44 can be found for purchase online from various websites, an example of which being an auction website called Gun Broker. One can also check local advertisement listings or gun stores in their area. There are also Gun forum websites that provide local advice for anyone wishing to purchase an MP44.

What is the best cod4 xbox live gun?

Assault Class - MP44, RPG'S, Juggernaut, Dead Silence. SMG - MP5, Claymore, Stopping Power, Dead Silence. Shotgun - M1014, RPG'S, Juggernaut, Extreme Conditioning. LMG - RPD, Grip, Stopping power, Extreme Conditioning. Sniper - M40a3, Claymore, Stopping power, Steady Aim.

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Does cod6 modern warfare 2 have cheats?

That's one feature from COD4 that they didn't bring to ModWar2, or if they did, I haven't seen it yet and I'm 100% done with Campaign and about 90% SpecOps. It's always possible they'll add it, but it didn't make much of a difference in COD4 anyway as you couldn't use it for a scoring mission, just to mess around.

What does the revolver look like in cod4?

There's no revolver in CoD4. I presume you ask this because you've played WaW & have unlocked the Magnum. CoD4's version of the Magnum is a Desert Eagle.