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Q: Is there a name for a fear of horror movies?
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Related questions

Should you see horror movies?

yes to overcome your fear

How horror movies explained?

Horror movies are meant to suspend reality in order to strike fear into the viewer. There is a special emphasis placed on foreshadowing and dramatic tools, such as ominous music.

Sentence with morbid?

Jane had a morbid fear of spiders Jack had a morbid fascination for horror movies

Whwt is the scientific name for horror?

The scientific term for fear is "phobia". When fear becomes intense and lasting, it can be diagnosed as a phobia.

What phobia is the fear of movies?

There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of movies.

Why do so many horror movies seem to be based around an old motel?

A lot of horror movies are based on real fears that many people have. People are scared of being in a place they are unfamiliar with and having something bad happen. It's a fear of not knowing how to escape or being unable to control your surroundings. Horror movies bases around old motels are playing on this fear.

Are there more horror movies or comedy movies?


Name two horror movies from the 1950s?

The Blob and The Thing.

When did horror movies first came out?

Horror movies first came out around 1915. Yeah, about a century ago. The first horror movies were Golem (1915), The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari (1919), and a movie by the name more heard of is Nosferatu (1922).

Are horror movies safe?

Yes, horror movies are safe.

What are the common characteristics of horror movies?

Spooky, evil, odd, you name it

Names of good supernatural or occult movies?

The Warrens are best known for their involvement in the Amityville Horror case in The Amityville Horror and 1979 and 2005 movies of the same name.