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No, there is not a name for the test paramedics give you when they take your pulse. It is simply a routine check-up on your vitals. and to make sure you weren't dying.

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Q: Is there a name for the test paramedics give you when they take your pulse?
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No, there is not a name for the test paramedics give you when they take your pulse. It is simply a routine check-up on your vitals. and to make sure you weren't dying.

What the name of the site you take a pulse from?

This site is called a pulse point. There are ten sites that are used.

Name 2 good places to take your pulse rate?

wrist & neck

What should not be used to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own?

Your thumb has its own pulse so it shouldn't be used to take your pulse.

What is apical pulse?

apical pulse is actually the heartbeat

CPR pulse check no longer than?

Since 2005 the American Heart Association has recommended that bystanders trained in CPR should NOT be checking a pulse. If an unresponsive patient is not breathing rescuers should start compressions. Professional rescuers like paramedics, nurses, and doctors still check a pulse. Pulse checks should never last longer than 10 seconds. For more information you should take an American Heart Association CPR class form a reputable company like The Heart Center.

What is the name of the artery in your wrist where you check your pulse?

The radial artery is the one that is used to take a pulse at the wrist.

Do paramedics have to take drug test?

yes they do , before being hired . they also have random drug testing because paramedics have access to many hard drugs in their line of work

What are the three times you would have to take apical pulse?

Count pulse

Can you give glucose to a baby to bring it back from the edge of death?

glucose is a natural sugar. Depending onwhy the baby was on the edge of death, glucose can be administered to the malnourished or to "shock the system: and give the baby more energy _____________________ If you believe a baby to be on the edge of death you need to call paramedics, and take whatever advice they offer as to treatment. Also call your family doctor for advice while you wait for the paramedics. _____________________

True or false a sphygmomanometer is used to take the apical pulse?

False, because the apical pulse is the heartbeat and is heard with a stethoscope. The sphygmomanometer is used to take the pulse on the arm.

How long time you taken a pulse?

If you mean how long do you take a pulse for? A Mintute.