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So cal or jake

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Q: Is there a non hollister cologne that smells like hollisters cologne?
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Whats the best cologne?

i like polo or hollister nothing annoying

What cologne do the clothes from hollister smell of?

its the men's socal "cologne". many people only say it only smells like the store a little but it smells exactly the same. My favorite cologne. i recommend it :D

Who owns abecrombie and finch?

No one used to own it and i think they had like camping supplies, then hollister bought the name so now hollister owns it. now all the clothes look a lot like hollisters.

Does hollister have perfume that smells like hollister?

Yes, the sales assistants in hollister can be seen spraying the bottles of aftershave before hours. I've bought it myself, it's called SoCal. It's what they spray around the store and so smells exactly like the shop! It smells amazing!

Hollister's missionstatement of doing business?

Hollisters mission statement is like many other shops. This is to provide customers with a good service and good quality items. Hollister tries to make unique clothes to a good standard.

Do girls like Hollister Jake cologne?

I've come to find that younger girls are fond of colognes that won't conjure the words "grandpa" in their heads, and are different enough to stand out.They really like those fresh, zesty, aromatic and spicy ones. If you're after a girl who wears Hollister, you'll want to look into this cologne, it's a great example of a cologne for someone younger. It smells amazing, amazing, amazing, like their store and is an embodiment of the brand, BUT it hardly lasts any time at all. Another view. All girls are different, and have their own tastes.

What cologne smells like jade east cologne?

Jade East does. It's typically difficult even for experts to differentiate between them.

Does Hollister sell extra large online?

yes it does. go to hollisters homepage and find something u like. click on it and it will display the sizes available. extra large will b there.

Is there a perfume that smells like vanilla and apple?

Happy Bath apple vanilla cologne

What is the tanning lotion that smells like men's cologne?

HD MANN By California Tan.

What cologne smells the best Hollister soCal Hollister Jake or Ambercrombie fierce?

socal is my fave. love the smell. fresh fruity scent. they spray socal in the stores. i also like jake as well. its a citrus woody scent. fresh but not fruity like socal. abercrombie fierce is apparently citrus but ive never smelt that one. hope this helps. btw the socal cologne smells like the store really bad. dont listen to reviews saying its a little different coz its really not. but socal is my faveroite. depends how old you are. if your 14-25 get socal or jake. 25-35 get abercrombie fierce :D

Does Cole Sprouse smell?

He probably doesn't smell (stink) but he probably smells like cologne