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I'm almost certain there is a difference. If you want to find out the PH of each of them use universal indicator paper. then you will know whether each of them are an acid or a base.

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Q: Is there a pH difference between tap water and pond water and rainwater If so what would account for it?
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Rain water is fresh water and does not have salt. Saltwater is not fresh and does have salt.

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If you want to make distilled water from rainwater, you would perform distillation on the rainwater.

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Sewage is whats in the sewer. Sewage is human waste, water, and even rainwater which collects via a sewer and then gets transported through pipes underground to sewage plants.

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Yes. Rainwater is the combination of the words rain and water.

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Rainwater tanks are used to catch rainwater which falls from the sky when precipitation occurs. This is a great water saving device which can cut the cost of your water bills.

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