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it depends on how you filed your taxes. electronically-4-6 wks. or mail-in approx.-2-3 mnths.

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Q: Is there a problem if it has been 3 weeks since you filed your State Tax Return and have not yet received your refund?
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Is your income tax return qualify as income?

In the U.S., your federal income tax refund does not count as taxable income for the next year. If you receive a refund from your state, and you itemized your deductions on the federal return, then the state refund will count as income on your federal return. (If you didn't itemize, then your state refund won't count as income.)

When can you expect to get a tax refund from minnesota after you file your state income tax return?

Once the state tax office has all your forms, your refund should be on the way to you in a couple of weeks. If you have not receved your refund with 30 days, I recommend you contact the state tax office to see if there is a problem. See related links for contact information.

Do you have to claim a state tax refund on your federal taxes as income?

Yes. State refund must be claimed as income on your federal return.

What is average time to receive Missouri state tax refund?

once the return is keyed and if there are no problems with the return, the refund is usually issued in 3 days.

How long is it taking to get Missouri State tax refund?

I received my federal 2 weeks ago...still no Mo state refund?

How long does it take to get your Indiana state tax return?

It depends on whether you efiled or mailed your return. If you efiled, you should have your refund (I assume you meant refund and not return) within two weeks at the latest. If you mailed your return, you can expect your refund within 6 weeks.

If you filed taxes last year and filed wrong will you still be able to get the money back this year?

Yes. If you file your original (first) return before the due date, you have 3 years from the due date to amend and claim a refund. If you file your original return after the due date (and within 3 years after the due date), you have 3 years from the date you filed to amend and claim a refund. See Form 1040X instructions to amend your federal return. If you live in a state with personal income tax, you will also need to amend your state return. Most states use the same due dates and refund claim dates. Example 1: Your 2008 return was due on April 15th, 2009. Your original return was received by the IRS on February 21, 2009. You have until April 15th, 2012 to amend your return and claim a refund. Example 2: You did not file your 2008 return before the due date. The IRS received your 2008 return on March 25, 2011. You have until March 25, 2014 to amend your return and claim a refund. Example 3: You did not file your 2008 return before the due date. The IRS received your 2008 return on April 20, 2012. You filed outside of the time limit to claim a refund, so you cannot get a refund. You also cannot amend and get a refund.

Can you still get a federal tax refund if you didn't pay state tax the year prior?

You can file a federal tax return and get a refund regardless of the status of your state taxes. If you owe overdue taxes to the state and they have gotten around to it, the state can intercept your federal refund. So, your refund might go to paying your overdue state taxes instead of being sent to you. But unless you file a federal tax return, no refund will be generated and your state taxes will not be paid.

How long it takes to get state tax refund?

It depends on when you file your tax return. The earlier you file it, the quicker you will get it back. If you file your tax return in February, you will most likely get your state refund back within a couple of weeks.

Do you have to claim federal tax refund on Oregon state return?

You do not have to report any income tax refund on any tax forms, it is not income.

Can creditors collect my tax return?

In my experience with this, yes they can take your state return, but I do not think they are eligible to lien your federal refund.

What do you do if you did not receive a tax return and you turned in your taxes on time?

A "tax return" is the filled in forms like Form 1040 that you send to the government. The money that the government sends you back is called a "tax refund." I presume your question is really what to do if you haven't received a refund yet. The IRS explains what to do here:,,id=96596,00.html?portlet=4 If you are concerned about your state tax refund, then contact your state tax authority. Check your state tax form instructions or your state's web page for contact information.