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No. It is just the person preference.

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Q: Is there a psychological reason why some people cut their sandwiches into triangles instead of rectangles?
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What does CPCTE stand for in geometry?

Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent, perhaps some people use equal instead of congruent?

What is the donkey theorem?

When trying to prove two triangles congruent, you can use SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, HL, and HA patterns. However, the pattern A S S doesn't work. Instead of spelling or saying this word in class, you can refer to it as "the donkey theorem". You can look at the pattern in the two triangles and say "these two triangles are not congruent because of the donkey theorem." You CANNOT prove triangles incongruent with 'the donkey theorem', nor can you prove them congruent. It's mostly sort of a joke, you could say, but it's never useful. The reason is that if the two triangles ARE congruent, then of course there will be an unincluded congruent angle as well as two congruent sides. The theorem doesn't do anything left, right, forward or backward. It's not even really a theorem. :P

What is the duration of You Instead?

The duration of You Instead is 1.33 hours.

Do a parallelograms diagonals bisect each other?

I can't offer a full proof, but I can suggest some possibilities that will lead you to your proof. In a parallelogram, you can easily demonstrate that the angles formed by a cord extending between parallel lines and the parallel lines themselves, and that are formed on opposite sides of the cord, are equal. This will work for both pairs of triangles in the parallelogram, and can be applied to all of the angles at the corners of the parallelogram. This will lead you to demonstrating that the pairs of triangles "pointing" to each other (not adjacent pairs) are similar, and in fact congruent. From there it is not difficult to establish that the connected sections of the two interior cords are equal.

How do you speak Monster High?

instead of saying freind they say goul and instead spelling mall m a l l they spell it maul . instead of humans there monsters

Related questions

Why do mathematicians chose to measure area in squares instead of in rectangles or triangles or circles?

Because they (IMO) have the simplest area to find, to just square side. Triangles are half of a square Rectangles are uneven. Circles are rounded, and hard to find the area of. Plus, a square has 2 equal dimensions, so think 2D.

Why do you use circles instead of squares or triangles or other shapes when making venn diagram?

why do you use circles instead of squares or triangles or other shapes when makikng venn diagram

What is a replacement for sandwiches for lunch?

Could have pasta instead, pasta's such as tuna with salad.

What did they build instead of pyramids?

Triangles Circles Squares... you know?

What has six rectangular faces?

A cubic rectangle. Think dice, only rectangles instead of squares.

What to call a triangular prism with rhombus instead of rectangles?

Sqaure hexagon rhombus scalene right triangle

What is the psychological opposite extreme from paranoia where instead of believing everything is a threat a person irrationally believes nothing is a threat?

The psychological opposite to paranoia is pronoia.

Is rectangle a parallellogram?

Yes. A rectangle is a parallelogram that has right angles instead of acute and oblique angles at the corners. But not all parallelograms are rectangles.

Why are the cross sections of metal beam in the shape of the letter I instead of solid rectangles?

for greater strength and increased moment for the same weight

How are triangles used in architecture?

Triangles, in many aspects, is our gods greatest invention. The way the triangle holds itself together, uniforms it as one whole instead of three separate pieces of objects. This is simply, how triangles have truly "formed" the earth. I LOVE MALLORY KIRSTEN FISCHER!

Why do they use rectangle bricks on brick buildings instead of cubes?

Rectangles can overlap and interlock better than cubes, which makes walls stronger.

Can a parllelagram have 4 right angles?

A parallelogram can have 4 right angles, but instead of being classefied as a parallelogram, it will be more specifically classified as a rectangle, but all rectangles are parallelograms.