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Q: Is there a queen fly
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Could and ant be the offspring of a fly?

no but an offspring of the queen bee has wings so they can fly

When male and queen ants fly what's that called?

nuptial flight

Which character sung I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain from the semi opera The Indian Queen by Henry Purcell?

Zempoalla, Queen of the Mexicans

What are some insects that begin with the letter Q?

Some insects that begin with the letter C are: caddis fly carpenter ant caterpillar centipede chigger cicada cicada. cockroach crane fly cricket

Why did queen Victoria not fly to her holiday home in Scotland?

Because aircraft had not yet been invented!

Why does queen bee fly once in her lifetime?

because she is too busy giving birth probably

Can a queen honey bee fly?

Yes. About five days after a queen emerges from a brood cell she will leave the hive on a mating flight over one or two days, when she will mate with up to 20 drones. After this she will return to the hive, and will not leave it again unless the colony becomes overcrowded in which case she will lay eggs in a few special queen cells then leave with about half of the workers in a swarm to look for a new home. The queen larvae she leaves behind will be tended by the remaining workers.

Do Spitfires fly on the Queen's birthday?

Yes, usually the remaining airworthy Lancaster and 4 Spitfires fly formation for the Queens Birthday and a few other special occasions.

Is a drone a male ant?

yes the drone ant will look just like the queen they both have wings but unlike the queen the drones wings are permanint. the only purpose of the drone is to mate with the queen and after the drone will fly away and soon after will die.

Was Louis Bleriot the queen of the English Channel?

Louis Bleriot was a MAN - that may have made a little difficult to be queen of anything. He was the first man to fly an aeroplane across the English Channel.

What is the name of a bug that starts with the letter q?

Insects: · Queen Bee · Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly · Queen Alexandra's Sulphur Butterfly Plants: · Quamash · Queen Anne's Lace · Quince · Quisqualis

What is a mother fly?

I am not certain, but it appears that there is no special term for a mother fly. They are simply called females. They don't create colonies like bees and ants, and so they do not have or need 'queen flies'. See link for more.