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Q: Is there a real time machine that works for humans?
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Who invented the real time machine?

no one.there's no such thing as a time machine.

In real there is time machine or not?

Yes in real there is time machine it has been kept in mount fugi by which we can travel in the time pole so that we can go in our past , present and future .

How can scientists make a real time machine with 1.21 gigawatts?

To date there is no knowledge of anyone making a real time machine. With or without 1.21 gigawatts.

How do you use time machine?

In real life, there is no such machine. So there are no directions on how to use it.

Is building a real time machine an easy job to do?

It is not possible to build a time machine. So NO it is not easy, it is impossible.

Is the delorean time machine real?

As a DeLorean itself,yes,but if as a DeLorean time-machine,probably never.....until the future.

Has someone made a real time machine?

No. Time travel is fictitious. hi

Is there any time machine in real life?

There is no time machine in real life. Except clocks.

What are two works by h.g wells?

The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds are H.G. Wells most famous works.

What does Thoreau say a person who works hard all the time is reduced to?

Thoreau suggests that a person who works hard all the time can be reduced to a machine or a tool, devoid of their humanity and capacity for deeper thought or reflection.

Is there any association of magnetic field with time machine?

No one has invented a real time machine yet, so this question cannot be answered.