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Q: Is there a relationship between ear size and hearing ability?
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Why is there no relationship between ear size and hearing ability?

The size of one's ear is merely the size of the part of the ear that is used to gather sound and point it toward the rest of the ear. One's hearing ability resides more in the middle ear, which converts variations in air pressure into variations in liquid pressure, and in the inner ear, which converts liquid pressure variations into nerve impulses, than it does in the outer ear that collects sound.

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the relationship between grain size and strength can be determined by the Hall- Patch relationship of Strength of materials.

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No, they are unrelated.

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Temperature influences glacier size.

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Because the size is a kintec force on it

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Temperature influences glacier size.

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Proportion is the kind of emphasis that refers to the size relationship between components in a work of art.

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They are the same size

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