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Q: Is there a relationship between the number of chirps per minute and the temperature if so describe the relationship?
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How many chirps would you expect when the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius?

The correlation between cricket chirps and the temperature is very approximate.

What do cricket chirps help find?

The temperature. You count how many chirps in 15 seconds then add 40 and that's the temperature in degrees Celsius.

How does the temperature affect the chirps per minute of a cricket?

Crickets a sensitive to the change of air temperature. as the temperature gets higher the amount of cricket chirps increase. To find the temperature from cricket chirps, find out the how many cricket chirps are in 15 seconds and then add 39 this will tell you about the right temperature outside in Fahrenheit. This formula only works with snowy tree crickets wich are common throughout North America. Hope this helped! ~Openchakra

How many times does a cricket chirp in fifteen seconds?

The chirp rate is not that fast, no more than about 3 per second in hot weather.It is usually measured in chirps per minute, and because it varies with the cricket's metabolism, it is considered a way to determine the approximate outdoor temperature. The relationship is called Dolbear's Law, for Amos Dolbear, who calculated it using the snowy tree cricket in 1897. If used for field crickets, the calculation may be off by plus or minus 2 degrees depending on the age of the cricket.- If you count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 40, you have a Fahrenheit temperature.(a variation on this is chirps in 15 seconds, and add 37)- If you count the number of chirps in 8 seconds and add 5, you have a Celsius temperature.e.g. at 68F/20C, the count should be about 112 chirps per minute.

Can you estimate temperature using cricket chirps sometimes?

yes the slower the hotter the faster the colder

How do crickets help tell the temperature?

Temperature affects the rate of the cricket's chirping. Each type of cricket has its own speed, but the Snowy Tree Cricket can be used to estimate temperature is degrees Fahrenheit by adding 40 to the number of chirps in 15 seconds. The common field cricket is not so accurate, but this formula will give a reasonable approximation for them as well.

What is chirps in possessive form?

The possessive form for the plural noun chirps is chirps'.Example: A chirps' chorus came from the newly hatched eggs.

What is the formula for temperature based on a cricket chirp?

count the number of chirps in a minute and then add twenty-nine

Does fireflies flash tell temperature?

No, fireflies flashing is a specific signal to attract a mate. Cricket chirps are, however, a reasonably accurate means of estimating temperature.

Do crickets hear through their knees?

Crickets chirp at different rates depending on their species and the temperature of their environment. Most species chirp at higher rates the higher the temperature is (approx. 60 chirps a minute at 13ºC in one common species; each species has its own rate). The relationship between temperature and the rate of chirping is known as Dolbear's Law. In fact, according to this law, it is possible to calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit by adding 39 to the number of chirps produced in 15 seconds by the snowy tree cricket common in the United States. To hear the mating call of other crickets, a cricket has ears located on its knees, just below the joint of the front legs.

Why does my viper alarm make 5 rapid chirps for no apparent reason.?

The 5 quick chirps are the first stage of a 2 stage shock sensor. If the car gets a small impact it chirps 5 times. If it gets hit hard, the alarm goes off. If it chirps 5 times at random times that means that what ever the shock sensor is attached to, moved a little due to temperature changes and expanding and contracting.

Do grasshoppers chirp more frequently as the temperature raises?

Yes they do, as do Crickets, you can tell the temperature by counting chirps per minute..Answered by: people of Answers.comJoin free today!