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Just about all remote controls have this feature these days.

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Q: Is there a remote control that lights up so you can use it in a dark room?
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Remote Control.

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because its dark how can they see?

If you were in a green dark room and you saw a white figure in the corner what is the figure?

Your photography instructor; wondering why the heck the lights are on in the dark room.

Can you sync a room's lights to my laptop?

Yes. There are various home automation systems tha can be interfaced to a laptop, either directly or via the internet to provide remote control of housing appliances.

What is an automatic fan control?

Using the remote control, you can set the fan to come on automatically when the room reaches a certain temperature.

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Remote PC software is used to access a computer using a different computer. One can then control the other computer without being in the same room as that computer.

How do torches help us with seeing?

It lights up a dark room. So it would be easy for u to see, because you cant see in the dark.

Why is fuel in your nest important in Bin Weevils?

Because then your lights don't work and every room becomes dark

How do you defeat the disappearing ghost on the third floor of the forest tower in Zelda spirit tracks?

i don't remember whats in that room but if its a dark room you turn on the lights

Why should you watch Control Room?

I am not familiar with this film. Is it about submarines or a missile base or some remote-control function as in a Power House or a Bridge. title sounds interesting.

Why does a film developed in dark room?

The light will show on the film if its developed in the light