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no there is not because a plastic bag is not biodegradable

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Q: Is there a sign on plastic bags to say there are biodegradable?
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Why do people say plastic bags stay forever?

Plastic bags are not biodegradable.

What is green bags made out of?

True green bags, that is, biodegradable bags and not simply any bags that are colored green, are made from bio-plastic. Bio-plastic is made from 100% plant material such as corn starch. Some 'green' bags are made from only say 20% or 30% bio-plastic, which makes them worse than useless as they are supposed to break down in compost but do not. Andrew Boughton,, Sydney Australia.

How do you say plastic bags in spanish?

Las bolsas de plástico

Slogan on say no to plastic bags?

say no to plastic or say no to human life by m.s.modi

In January 2009 which Asian city introduced a five year prison penalty for carrying a plastic shopping bag?

Delhi, the capital of India, has a fine of 100,000 rupees and a possible five-year jail term for using non-biodegradable bags. Estimates say more than 10 million plastic bags were used in the city every day. The streets were littered with them. Plastic bags are made with polythene which takes hundreds of years to decompose. Polythene is also made from oil, a fossil fuel.

Search for posters on save environment including land pollution acid rain recyclereducereuse say no to plastic biodegradable and non-biodegradable?

its our responsibility to save earth.for poster go to zazzle/com

what do other people say about banning plastic bags?

other people think that plastic bags are harmfull to the envirnment, in witch they are, they also think that they harm animals and marin animals, witch is also true this is what other people think about plastic bags (hoped this help) :D

is a cloth bag better than a plastic bag?

Say goodbye to single-use plastic bags and embrace the trend of reusable grocery bags. With eye-catching designs and sturdy materials like canvas or recycled plastic, these bags make grocery shopping a fashionable affair. Foldable and compact, they are easy to carry in your purse or car, promoting both style and sustainability.

What is the main pollutant in the ocean?

Probably I would say it would be plastic shopping bags and soda can holders.

Are plastic forks biodegradable?

Very much not, although there are some biodegradable plastics which are manufactured. These biodegradable plastics are known to cause pollution as they emit toxic and greenhouse gases, as well as harmful substances. If I were you, I'd choose reusable bags rather than recyclable ones. Another answer Yes - by adding exciting new biodegradable additive technology, like that pioneered by ENSO Bottles, everyday plastics become biodegradable plastics! Many companies are out there making claims related to biodegradable plastics or compostable plastics. But when asked to back it up with scientific proof, they say that the information can not be made available for review. ENSO is proud to have certified, 3rd party laboratory test data made publicly available which proves that the plastics treated with our additive will biodegrade in a landfill environment. And ENSO continues to push the envelope to benefit the planet.

Write a essay on say no to plastic?

Plastic,plastic,plastic.We use plastic everyday.Everyday,more than1,00,000 plastic bags are used.Do you know that how we say it harmful.If you do not than I will tell you.Plastic is very harmful to our life.It does not decompose for 1000s of years.In other words it does not do not use plastic. from-Shaily jain VI - C

Is cat liter biodegradable?

Some kinds are, check on the box, it should say if it's biodegradable or not there.