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That is a simile all in its own.

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Q: Is there a simile to describe one as kind as an angel?
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One simile I can think of is fall.

Simile as smart as what?

As smart as a whip is one of the most popular similes used to describe cleverness. As smart as a fox is another simile often used to describe cleverness.

What part of speech is like when used as a simile?

A simile is a word you use to describe something. If it has the word as or like, comparing one thing to another it is a simile. Sentance: The man jumped like a kangaroo. or The man jumped as high as a kangaroo.

How many caloreis in one cup of cooked angel hair spaghetti?

it depens on what kind of angel hair.

What kind of angel is Satan?

He is a "fallen angel" -- so not actually an angel anymore. When he was an angel, he was an archangel, the highest form of angel. His name was Lucifer, which means "shining one" or "light-bringing".

What is a simile from the book dork dairies?

One simile from the book "Dork Diaries" is "as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs." This comparison is used to describe a character's anxiety or uneasiness in a particular situation.

What is the term that is used to describe the literary concept of the angel in one shoulder and the devil on the ither?

The literary concept you are referring to is called the "angel and devil on the shoulder" or more commonly known as a moral dilemma. It symbolizes the internal conflict between doing what is right (angel) and what is wrong (devil).

Is the word one a conjunction?

No, the word "one" is not a conjunction. It is a determiner or a pronoun used to refer to something specific or indicate a position in a sequence.

What is one of two of a kind?

two kinds of energy and describe it one by one

Is the word AS a simile?

No. A simile compares one thing to another. Therefore no one word by itself can be a simile and so the word "as" is not a simile. However the word "as" often forms part of a simile, for example: "he is as brave as a lion".

How exactly is the word unique defined?

The word unique is used to describe something that is one of a kind. Unique can be used to describe a person place or thing that is considered to be a one of a kind.

How would one describe a seraph from religion?

As a religious view, A seraph is a type of angel. The type of angel that is called a Seraph is known by many names in the different religions that are world wide.