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PayPal now issue pre-paid mastercards on each account (if requested) so you can draw out any money in the account using the pre-paid card (and pin number). There is a small fee for drawing cash but normal card transactions dont carry an additional fee. No need to enter your bank details.

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Q: Is there a site similar to PayPal which people can donate to but i don't have to put my bank details in until i want to receive the money?
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Can you donate on PayPal?

Yep. Paypal is the payment gateway, the wallet if you wish. It is the button, shopping cart, and/or form that allows you to pay a person or business.

How do you use your own website to donate to a charity without going to jail?

Use payPal.

Can I receive a tax deduction if I donate my truck?

Yes, you may receive up to $500 tax deduction if you donate your truck.

How can you make a donation to save tigers?

You can donate through paypal, to organizations like Save The Tigers.

Will I receive a tax rebate if I donate my old truck?

If you donate your truck to a goodwill store, then yes, you will receive a receipt good for money off your taxes.

Do you have to be in builders club to receive donations?

you do have to be in builders club to donate and receive donations.

What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

Can I donate my car for charity in Chicago?

Yes you can and you will also be able to receive a tax credit for your donation. Call Junk Car Donations in Chicago to arrange details at (888) 524-7990.

Where can a person find information on how to donate to PBS?

The best place to go to donate to PBS would be to go to their website. You have the option of donating using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or Paypal.

Can AB blood type donate to A type?

They can only donate to other AB types, but they can receive blood from A, B, or O.

General explanation for acid and alkali?

Acids receive electron. Alkalis donate. Acids donate hydrogen ion in solution. Alkalis donate hydroxyl ion in solution. Alkalis donate lone pair electrons.

Can AB donate to AB?

No, A person with AB- can receive from O-, A-, B-, or AB-. See chart on related link. A positive Rh factor can receive from a negative, but not the other way around.