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Yes, there is a species of an alligator snapping turtle. sammi was here!

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Q: Is there a species of turtle call alligator snapping turtle?
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Related questions

What do you call to the baby turtles?

you hiss very quietly as a momma snapping turtle would to her babies.

How fast can a common snapping turtle run?

a snapping turtle is a very agile animal, and on an empty stomach it can move up to 4 mph. on a hot day, however, the snapping turtle is more slow and sluggish, and will often move at a pace of about 2-3 mph. snapping turtles also have a standard mating call, and it can be heard up to five miles away! it sounds very much like two cats mating, which is a high, piercing screech.'re welcome.

What do you call an alligator in a vest?

An Investigator!

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Are there only two kinds of snapping turtles?

Well, if they bite I would call them snapping.

What are ten reptiles or amphibians that live in the US?

the green anole, the American alligator, the American crocodile, the indigo snake, the broadhead skink, the garter snake, the giant ameiva, the rainbow whiptail, the horned lizard (which some retards call the "horned toad" or "horny toad", but it is NOT a toad), and the eastern box turtle(which i once kept for study reasons, with a permit, of course. if you keep box turtles as a pet without a permit, you can actually get a major fine of $5000 each!) if you're looking for native species, count out the ameiva, as well as the rainbow whiptail, and replace it with the alligator snapping turtle and musk turtle or "stinkpot", which is a turtle that releases chemicals that smell like a major dump when threatened. if this is a homework assignment that you're doing, and you don't know ten species of reptile, you are sad, no offense. there are so many of them in the US, but sadly they are being diminished because of the pet trade and people using them(especially turtles) as bb gun target practice. as a guy that breeds herps (reptiles and amphibians) for replenishment of their wild populations, i despise these kinds of people.

What do you call 'chutki' in English?

snapping fingers

What do you call a tropical reptile?

equtor alligator

What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?

An investigator

What do you call the act of snapping ones fingers?

Snapping your fingers is technically called philangofrictography.

What do you call a turtle that loses its shell?

A dead turtle.

What do you call more than one alligator?
