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Unlike denied access rights, under federal law, there is no statute of limitations. However, the claim must be kept active by renewing it every 24 months.

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Q: Is there a statues of limitations in NC on back child support?
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Does Michigan has a statue of limitions for back child support?

As far as I know there is no statute of limitations for past-due child support anywhere in the U.S.

Can you sue for back child support in Wisconsin?

No, there's a 12 month limit past the age of majority.

Can you be signed off arrearage child support in Ohio?

No. Once you owe back child support (arrearage), you' will be paying until paid in full. There is no statute of limitations when child support is at issue, regardless of the age (s) of the child (ren).

Do you still have to pay child support arrears before 1985?

You need to look up your state statute. In Tennessee there is no statute of limitations on back child support for example.

Is there a time limit for the arrested being held in Ohio to be extradited to Michigan on a back child support warrant?

Perhaps not - there is no statute of limitations on collecting unpaid child support.

What is the statute of limitations for court ordered back child support in Alabama?

There is no statute of limitation on back child support in any state. The other parent is paying until what's owed is paid in full, regardless of the age(s) of the child(ren).

Can an ex still get back pay child support from you if the child is now 40 years old?

I don't know what the statue of limitations on this is, but I'm pretty sure if the child is 40 years old the statute of limitations has long kicked in by now.

Do you still owe back pay after your child turns21?

You owe any support due and unpaid; there is no statute of limitations on collecting this.

Back child support owed in alaska but now lives in texas can they still collect?

Yes. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support, regardless of where the parties currently live.

Do you have to pay back child support your son who is now 31?

There is no statute of limitations on past-due support. Also, support often continues into adulthood for severely handicapped children.

Can a 31 year old adult child collect back child support from his biological father in Louisiana?

Yes. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support. Keep in mind that he might not have any money.

No support order was ever entered. Can someone be sued for back support when child reaches age 25?

It depends on the statute of limitations in the state where the action was filed.