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Q: Is there a test to get into Area 51?
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Why was the atomic bomb test in area51?

Atomic bombs were NEVER tested in area 51. Area 51 is not part of the nevada test site, it is an Airforce test area for classified aircraft.

Is Area 51 a test sight?

Area 51, also sometimes known as the Grooms Lake Test Facility is where the US military tests advanced aircraft in secret.

Is Area 51 a military weapon test area?

i think so but there is no proof for it

Did area 51 test an atomic bomb?

No, while area 51 is adjacent to the Nevada Test Site no nuclear testing has been done there. It is the site used for testing top secret aircraft.Of course area 51 did receive fallout from many of the above ground nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site.

What all happens in area 51?

They make and test weaponry and aircraft. That's about it.

How did Area 51 get its name?

Area 51 got its name from its location on a grid map. The U.S. Geological Survey designated the area as "Area 51" because it simply corresponds to its location on a grid in the Nevada Test and Training Range. It was not officially acknowledged until the CIA publicly acknowledged its existence in 2013.

Is Area 51 in New Mexico?

Area 51 (also called Groom Lake) is a closed to the public Federal air base used for testing classified experimental aircraft. Most of the aircraft tested in Area 51 have been products of the Lockheed Skunk Works. The name "Area 51" is just part of the identification system for different parts of the Nevada Test Site, just to the west.

What is Area 51 for?

to test flysecret government plains like the blackbird and u-2 spyplane

Were any nuclear missiles fired in the war?

there were only test on nuclear bomb in facilities such as area 51.

Is Area 51 in Texas?

Area 51 is in Nevada.

When was area 51 revealed?

No one revealed Area 51.

Why is area 51 not on maps?

Area 51 is on maps; search for Nellis AFB in Nevada. Area 51 is called area 51 because the Nellis AFB and range complex is made up of grids from 1-125 and the grid that is #51 is the place that it is believed to be the place where the Government is hiding a UFO but in fact it has never been proven that is what is there but it makes good folklore. You will not find a lot of information on Nellis AFB because it is a government installation and one of its functions is to test new or secret aircraft and is understandably a restricted area.