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Q: Is there a time period between filing for divorce and serving spouse with papers?
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What does the concept of process serving do?

Process serving is an assortment of different tasks, such as filing court paperwork, serving people with legal documents such as divorce papers or court summons and retrieving required documentation.

What does filing date on divorce papers mean?

That is usually the date the papers were filed at the courthouse.

How do you change divorce papers after already filing?

Go to your lawyer. If you can they will know what to do.

Didn't sign divorce papers with your lawyer when filing?

A spouse that does not sign divorce papers will get a default judgment entered against them and the divorce will still happen. You can however contest the default judgment if the court allows you to do so and thinks you have a good reason why you did not sign the papers.

What is the time frame for filing divorce papers once signed?

30 days in some states

You are in the military how do you file for divorce?

If both of you are serving in the army, you may have to file the divorce papers, first in the army office and then in court.

When serving divorce paper for someone to you have to say anything to that person you are serving?

Yes. You must ascertain that the person named in the papers is in fact the person who receives the papers. No good handing papers to a person not involved.

Can you retract a divorce filing?

Yes, you can retract a divorce filing. Your attorney can submit a form requesting the court to dismiss the case.

Can you use white out when filling out divorce papers?

You cannot use white out when filing official court papers. There would be no way of knowing who applied the white out.

I have been separated from my spouse for 30 months and I have no children with her and no property to split but she wont sign divorce papers what do I do?

You should seek legal advice and file divorce papers against her. Your lawyer will draw up papers stating why you are filing for divorce. In most States a divorce would be granted for several reasons, one being 'alienation.'

once i file my divorce papers with the courts, how long do i have to serve him until the filing is expired?

You should wait for 60 days after Filing for divorce and you and your Spouse should ask the court to finalize a divorce.This time will begins on the day you file your divorce petition with the court.

Rules for divorse?

The rules for a divorce will vary according to where the divorce is being asked for. It will generally involve filing of papers by one or both parties and a hearing in a court of law to determine if the divorce will be granted.