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Yes there are many.

One of them is howrse.

Which is a perfect game for all ages.

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Q: Is there a virtual world that doesn't include memberships?
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Why did barbiegirls virtual world close?

Probably because they weren't making enough money and people weren't buying the memberships

Is there a virtual world that girls are aloud but everything is for boys?

Of course, if you find a Virtual world game fun, but its for boys, it doesnt really matter, because you like playing it. (but this doesnt imply for boys, boys shouldnt play girl games).

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The monthly fee for the online virtual world called Boom Bang is $29.99. That fee will cover the access to the virtual world, but does not include points or tokens.

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There is a difference between Second Life and IMVU. Second Life is best seen as a whole virtual world and IMVU is a virtual instant messenger.

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With today's technology, there are many virtual worlds that exists. The most famous virtual worlds include World of Warcraft, Sim City, and Second Life.

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Are there any good virtual worlds that are for free for children under 12?

Nearly all games that include a virtual world are advised for players from 13 year and over.

Where could one go on virtual field trips?

Scholastic, Field Trips and Education World all offer virtual field trips. They include places such as Ghana, a volcano in Montserrat and Egypt. The trips utilise videoconferencing tools and Skype to immerse students in a virtual world.

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a virtual world :)

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imvu.. campete... virtual world

How do you get free membership in all girl arcade spark city world?

The basic membership is free but the VIP memberships cost money. The VIP memberships are $1.99 a week.

Is Poptropica a good virtual world?

Pop tropics is a good virtual world