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Q: Is there a water cycle on Saturn If so how does the cycle work?
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What is an fun fact about Saturn?

That Saturn's density is so low that it would float on water (if a big enough body of water were found).

Why is a water cycle important?

The water cycle is so important because we need water for our survival and we use water in all work such as washing anything ,bathing ,drinking etc and by continuous use of water the the water cycle is important otherwise there will not be any single drop of water

Which planet is our solar system would float if you put it in water?

Saturn is less dense than water. So the Answer is Saturn.

Why is the water cycle mportant?

The water cycle is important so we can have plants to live and it helps refill the bodies of water so that way we can get more water.

What are sources of the water cycle?

Water evaporates from water bodies. So, rivers, oceans, seas are the sources of water in water cycle.

How does the sun control the water cycle on earth?

The sun begins the water cycle by evaporating the water in seas and/or oceans.

Why is the water cycle so important for your water supply?

Without the water cycle there wouldn't be any water to water the crops and plants.Also we need the water cycle because it recycles our water so the fresh water we have can be drinkable. BUT must be cleaned!

How does Saturn float in water if its so heavy?

Yes, Saturn's mean density is only 70% of that of water.

What is special about Saturns density?

Saturn's density is so low that it can even float on water, it has the less density in all solar objects.

Is temperature important in water cycle?

yes because temperature is factor that starts the water cycle by evaporating the water so it can become a rain cloud and do the rest of the water cycle

What planet is so light it would float in water?


What supplies the water cycle?

Ocean water. The whole cycle starts with ocean water evaporating, so it is therefore the supplement.