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You can have clients sign a waiver. However, it's still a good idea to have an insurance policy in place.

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Q: Is there a way to have my clients sign a waiver instead of buying expensive liability insurance?
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What services does BJK provide?

BJK are insurance brokers. They assist and guide clients through the process of claiming compensation from insurances. Instead of directly talking to their insurance, clients use BJK's knowledge and experience to negotiate claims with the insurance companies to assure an optimal result.

Why do people buy cheap liability car insurance instead of full coverage?

People buy cheap liability insurance if their vehicle is not nice enough or new enough to warrant full coverage. The cost of the insurance ends up being more than what they would get if they needed to make a claim.

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It's important to purchase gadget insurance after buying an expensive gadget. One huge reason is that if the gadget breaks or malfunctions, one can replace it instead of having to buy another one.

What is the minimial liability limits for a Texas homeowner's policy?

There is no legal minimum Liability for a home owner's Insurance policy in Texas. Most companies however do not give you many options for the liability limits. Preferring instead to determine for you what you need. Most Texas Home Owners are carrying far more liability coverage on their Home Owners Policy than they need.

What are the benefits of doing car insurance?

DO you mean selling Insurance or purchacing Insurance? If you are talking about selling car insurance then there are many. So many people spend thousands of dollars per year on auto insurance and have no idea what they are really paying for. If you take a career in the insurance industry I would hope that you would take the time to educate your clients instead of just focusing on the price.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of insurance in construction?

There aren't really advantages or disadvantages of insurance in construction, but instead insurance helps project owners, developers, and contractors mitigate their financial risk during the construction project. Construction has property exposure, liability exposure, and work comp exposure that need to be insured at a minimum. Chris Larmore - Parenti Insurance

Can you carry only pip insurance only on older cars with a low value instead of full coverage in FL.?

The required coverage in Florida is Liability (10/20/10) and PIP for any car

Why would someone choose to have self insurance instead of traditional insurance?

On a very, very basic level, self-insurance is just putting aside savings for a potential future catastrophic event. A person/business may decide that the monthly or annual insurance company premium is too expensive, and instead set up a fund for what they estimate such an event would cost. Then, they are, hopefully, able to cover the costs themselves.

Does general liability exclude action over?

Some general liability policies DO exclude action over claims, and you should also be getting waivers of subro on work comp from the people you are working with to prevent these types of issues. Make sure you work with a risk manager or insurance broker who clearly understands your company's risk and can help you mitigate that instead of just buying pieced together insurance for it.

How much is workmans compensation insurance?

It depends on the insurance company and their particular experience with the kind of work, number of employees, loss history, management, company's safety program, areas of operation and more. Your insurance agent can discuss options. If you're self-employed, ask about Occupational Accident and Contingent Liability instead of Workers' Compensation.

Do life insurance companies test for Suboxone?

Most of the time they don't, but you can get your doctor to call the insurance company and tell them that he is prescribing them for migraine headaches instead of for opiate dependency, if your insurance comp. knows what it is really for than they will not cover it! Just get your doc to play along otherwise it is sooooo expensive!