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There is no way for a computer to write down the lyrics to a song that is playing. If you wanted to get the lyrics, you could search online for the song name and find the lyrics for the song you are looking for there. Though, if you don't know the song name, you could always look up a verse that you remember and then find the rest of the song that way.

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Q: Is there a way to have your computer write down the lyrics of a song while it's being played because I recorded a song without writing the lyrics down and I now I need the lyrics?
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Why would it be difficult to have an organized society without system of writing?

it would be difficult because without the system of writing people in the future would not know anything from the past and also with the system of writing would last for thousands of years

Does Justin Bieber write his songs because he is really in love?

No he's writing them for his fan's because he loves them and he really likes girls but he's not writing them because in love with girls he's writing them for fun.

What is the cultural impact of the development of Sumerian writing?

writing made a difference for sumarines for recorded boundary lines, wars , lists of kings , and gifts to the temple , they also kept the record of trade and food supplies

Who wrote the country song made famous by Chris Ledoux Cadillac Cowboy?

That would be Chris Ledoux. He's known for writing most of the material he recorded.

Why did the sumerians invent a writing system?

because they wanted to communicate

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The belief that memory is recorded as writing in the brain

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it would be difficult because without the system of writing people in the future would not know anything from the past and also with the system of writing would last for thousands of years

Why would it be difficult to have an organized society without a system of writing?

it would be difficult because without the system of writing people in the future would not know anything from the past and also with the system of writing would last for thousands of years

Why did the Sumarians need to invent writing?

because they wanted to talk without opening their mouth

Why does computer programming require so much creativity?

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