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because they are dum

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Q: Is there a way to make it so your parents cant claim you in tax refunds?
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Do you claim exempt on taxes if your 17 years old and living with your parents?

not unless you make more money than your folks leave them the exemption.

How can you find out who claimed you on their taxes?

You cannot find out who claimed you on their taxes. This would require the IRS to be telling you information on another taxpayer. I disagree, but I know that they will not give you that information. What they will do is side with you if the person did not have a right to claim you and they will allow you to claim yourself and take you off the other persons return and make them pay back and refunds plus interest and penalties. The person had to have your name as it is on your social security card, your birthday, and your social security number. How many people have this information?

Is the Union Pacific giving tax refunds of Railroad Retirement Taxes?

don't know trying to find out to make sure it's not a scam

How much would a 16 year old pay for taxes on $800 if her parents claim her as a dependent?

where is your "Tax Bracket Calculator? and if I may why is this site so hard to use? How much would a 16 year old pay for taxes on $800 if her parents claim her as a dependent? depends on the year. in years past, if you didn't make more than 3000 in a calender year you wouldn't have to pay taxes on the money.

Been told that I cannot file taxes because parents claimed me as a dependent but made over 3000 is this true?

Absolutely, positively not.Whether your parents or anyone else claims you as a dependent has absolutely no effect on your obligation or ability to file taxes. Some people mistakenly believe that if your parents claim you as a dependent, they claim your income, your withholding and your refund, too. This is absolutely not true.People who make more than a certain amount are obligated to file taxes. However, ANYONE is permitted to file taxes. If you are due a refund, you must file taxes in order to get the refund. Your parents cannot get your refund for you. Whether your parents can claim you as a dependent has absolutely nothing to do with you. You must file your own taxes for your own income and withholdings. And if you owe taxes, you are obligated to file and pay them.

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you cant I have realised after broken promises that you cant make them keep but you can make them feel bad about not keeping their promises by bringing it up every now and again.

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no they cant and if they do they are probably stealing selling something illegal ect.

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well you cant, sorry you'd have to make a new account

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Come to Pakistan then they Cant Make you come back or Go to Afghanistan

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you cant make them, you just have to support them be by their side maybe talk to the parent your closer with tell them how you feel

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yeah some do, but others make your parents sign a kind of contract saying that if you cant pay it then they will. (:

If you have a car accident and don't make a claim does it still count as a claim?

no you have to make a claim for it to be regestered as a claim

Do you claim exempt on taxes if your 17 years old and living with your parents?

not unless you make more money than your folks leave them the exemption.

How do yo choose which attacks your Pokemon will have when you breed?

You cant really sorry its all in the luck of the draw. but it has to be the moves the the parents had mostly the father. So just try to make the parents have good moves! :)

What do you do if your parents won't let you be a lesbian?

Don't lie to your parents, be honest to them. Cause they love you very much no matter the choices you make. Most straight parents do not want to hear their child chose to be gay. Most gay people think they are born gay, That is not the case, God gave us free will to make the choices we make in our lives. For more info on lesbians or gay men here are a couple of links that might be of use to you Actually Your parents really cant stop you from being a lesbian,they cant order you not be a lesbian,they cant demand that you only be attracted to guys,they cant order you not to be attacted to girls...They cant control how you feel inside..they may not like it but they will have to deal with....And contrary to the Religous Mythology Being gay is not a choice,people don't up and decide one day that they are just going to go out and become gay. As of yet there is not enough evidence to completely support the claim that there is a gay gene and that some people are geneticly born gay,however there is enough evidence to completely support the claim that homosexuality can develope in some individuals at very early age some as young a 7 years old. This completely trumps the Religous Mythologys claim that homosexuality is just a lifestyle or sexual choice, because how does a 7 year old chose to be gay? Do they make it a choice based on lifestyle after careful thought and research into homosexuality? Do they make it a choice based on their personal sexual experiences between straight sex and gay sex? Of course not,so therefor it isn't a simple matter of just choosing to be gay or not..