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Yes it depends what parasite

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Q: Is there a way to protect the host to get rid of this parasite?
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What are the advantages of parasite upon its host?

None. If it was advantageous to the host in any way, no matter how minor, it would be considered a symbiont not a parasite.

What is the difference between a parasite and a host?

A host is an organism that the parasite lives on. In other words the parasite may use the host's resources in a negative way. For example: A tick living off the blood of a human. The tick is the parasite and the human is the host. The tick lives off the blood of the human.

What is an autoinfection?

An autoinfection is the infection of a primary host with a parasite in such a way that the complete life cycle of the parasite happens in a single organism.

How do you get rid of a parasite?

Parasites are species specific and target different areas - for example- Head Lice attack the scalp, tapeworms attack the gut and poison ivy attacks trees- There is no way one way to get rid of a parasite- elimination of the parasite depends on the specific parasite and its corresponding medicine/pill/spray etc..

Explain the relationship between parasites and hosts?

Parasites benefit from being with the host all the while harming the host. The host is nice and tolerant that it allows the parasite from it without it benefiting from the parasite at all.

What is cleptoparacitism?

A case of multiple parasitism in which a parasite preferentially attacks a host already parasitised by another species rather than an unparasitised host,in a way it is like stealing the prey of other species

What is the definition of parasition?

-A parasite is an organism that benefits from a close prolonged relationship with its host, which is harmed.The parasite grows, feeds, or uses shelter of the host organism (including the host itself) contributing negatively to the relationship.== == * A parasite is an organism that has a deleterious symbiotic relationship with another organism or host species. The parasite usually lives on or in the host and needs the host for energy and nutrients to survive. A flea or tick is a parasite. Bacteria can be parasitic. Mistletoe is a parasite. Parasites sometimes cause the eventual death of the host although not always, and this can lead to the parasites demise if it cannot leave or find a new host. On a humorous note I like to think of lawyers as parasites. * From Latin s&#275;ns&#363; l&#257;t&#333; ("'in the broad sense'"). A parasite is an organism that has a deleterious symbiotic (Symbiosis (Gr. for "living together")) relationship with another organism or "host" species during one, several, or all of the stages of it's life cycle. The parasite usually lives on or in the host and needs the host for energy and nutrients to survive. An organism can(but not always) have multiple hosts sometimes a new one specific for a particular stage in the parasites life cycle. Parasitism is a special case of symbiosis in which only one species benefits. Mutualism and commensalism are the other two cases.* From Latin sensu stricto ("in the narrow sense").From Latin parasitus < Greek &pi;&alpha;&rho;&#940;&sigma;&iota;&tau;&omicron;&sigmaf; (parasitos), "'person who eats at the table of another'")* 1. (biology) A (generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing the resources produced/collected by another living organism. Lice, fleas, ticks and mites are widely spread parasites. 2. (pejorative) A person who relies on other people's efforts and gives little back (originally a sycophant).* Parasite: An organism that absorbs nutrients from the body fluids of living hosts. * Parasitism: A symbiotic relationship in which the symbiont(parasite) benefits at the expense of the host by living either within the host(endoparasite) or outside the host(ectoparasite). -Campbell, Reece, Mitchell. Biology 5th Edition (Glenview, Illinois: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999)* 'A parasite is an organism that lives on or inside another organism to the detriment of the host organism' -Wikipedia For a list of human parasites: Examples of parasites: 1) Animal/insect parasites [aphids] 2) Plant parasitesa parasites lives in a close relationship with another organism it's host and causes it harm

Is floating turds a sign of a disease?

Yes, it is a sure sign of disease. Floating terds is a definitive indicator of abnormally porous fecal material, caused by a foreign parasite in the colon. The only way to rid yourself of this parasite is to hold a flashlight up to your sphincter and grab the parasite with a pair of tweezers. Happy hunting, and remember teamwork is an integral part of any fecal eating parasite hunt.

Are there any known asexual parasites?

Gametocytes, the precursors of male and female gametes (egg and sperm) are formed in the human host. They do not cause the signs and symptoms of the disease but are a way that the parasite can transmit malaria to another host. Therefore they are considered to have sexual cycle.

What is the best way to get rid of fleas and keep them from coming back?

There are many ways to get rid of fleas and protect your animals from getting flees. One way is to get your dog a flea repellent collar or spray your dog with repellent.

How do i get rid of swimmer's itch?

To get rid of swimmers itch you have to put your swim suit in the dryer to kill the parasite have to do this because when you go swimming in the lake (lake that's dirty and has lots of ducks) the parasite bites you and when it spreads more and it gets into your swim suit and the only way to kill it is to put it into the dryer for 30 to 45 minutes,it also depends on how long until you started getting the itch.

What symbiosis would a bird building their nest in a tree?

No, the bird is not taking anything from the tree. A parasite takes something from its host, usually in a way that injures the host while giving nothing back to the host.