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I heard that drinking green tea helps a lot drink it for three days-1month i will try it when i buy some hopes it works and sorry if it didn't work i want it to work for me

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Q: Is there a way you can make your period come sooner?
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Is it possible to make your period come sooner?

No, it's not possible to make your period come sooner. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain that control ovulation and menstruation. There is no way to speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make yourself menstruate earlier.

Ways to get your period to stop sooner?

There is no way to get your period to stop sooner, it is a bodily function that must be allowed to come to a end in its own time. There are methods to help reduce your flow which may help your period to end sooner, but there's nothing that guarantees this.

Is there a way for your period to start faster?

No, there is no way for you to make your period start faster. Your period starts exactly when it is supposed to, you can't make your cycle speed-up or skipn phases of your cycle in order to make your period start sooner.

What should a ten year old girl eat to end her period early?

There is no way to end your period earlier, no matter what age. Your period will end when it is suppsed to end, nothing that you eat will make your period end any sooner and there is no reason or need to end your period sooner.

Is there a non medical way to make your period come sooner?

You actually can make your period come sooner and go by faster. I'm actually trying to find this answer my self, but here are some ways I have heard: -Exercise! -Use a heating pad on your abdomen. -Having an orgasm can help speed it up, and get the blood flowing. -Drink green tea or parsley tea. There's more but I can't think any right now.

Can you eat anything to make your period for the first time?

There is nothing that you can eat to cause your periods to start any sooner than what they would do naturally. Everyone develops at a different time and there is no way to make your body develop faster or start your periods sooner.

How do you make first periods come faster?

There is no way to make your period arrive more quickly.

How do you make your period stop for one day?

sorry there is no way to stop your period .Your period is for you blood to come out so you need that blood to come out if you stopped your period that would be very unhealthy.

Is there a natural way not including weird things that you have to buy but things that are used in daily life that can make your boobs grow and or make your period start earlier?


Is there any way you can make your period come sooner or make it last for a shorter amount of time?

Hello The only way to make your period arrive earlier than usual for you is by taking birth control pills and by missing some pills or you can miss a period completely by continuing to take birth control pills instead of going onto the sugar pills. But you can only do this when you've been on birth control pills for about two months because the first month will be all over the place. Birth control pills do make your period lighter, less painful and can make your period shorter.

Is there a way you can make your period come earlier next month?

Mother Nature doesn't like to be fooled and so far I haven't found a way to make a period come early. Somtimes when people are over excited, under stress they can either have an early period or a late one. Marcy

Your period will be here in 4 days is there any way you can find out im pregnant sooner?

You can take a Pregnancy test