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Infer. If you infer something you are picking up the implied meaning.

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Q: Is there a word or term used to describe knowing only the implied meaning instead of literal meaning?
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A words literal meaning is its and a words associated suggested and implied meaning is its?

The literal meaning is Denotation. The implied meaning is Connotation.

What is the implied meaning of a word based on its context?

The term is "connotation" (as compared to the literal meaning or denotation).

The literal meaning of a word is also called the meaning?

The literal meaning of a word is known as its "denotation." The colloquial, implied or secondary meaning is called the "connotation."

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Yes--some literal, most heavily implied

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"To describe or write about the earth" It is the best way to describe the definition because it is the literal meaning

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A "literal number" is simply a number that is written out as text, for example "eight" instead of "8".

What is the definition of denotative?

Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary definition. Denotation is the literal definition of a word, without any assumed or implied meanings. The most direct or literal meaning of a word.

Give the best explanation of what a word's denotation is?

Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary definition. Denotation is the literal definition of a word, without any assumed or implied meanings.

What does figurative language mean?

Language not meant to be taken literally.For example: you are what you eat is not meant to be taken literally, its not like if you eat a hot dog you are a hot dog! haha that would be literal, but luckily that's not possible.figurative language is a simile it is when someone/you compare it to something/someoneexample:she is as tall as a treeit means figures of speech

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Manifest content is literal or surface meaning of the message being conveyed. Latent content is the underlying or implied meaning.

What is is it called when they mean exaclty what they mean?

when people say for example a sentence and they mean exactly what they mean, this is called the literal meaning of their words, i.e. it is called the conventional meaning because it carries the literal meaning of the words which constructed it. and of course there are different kinds of meaning, according to H.P. Grice, there are the speaker's meaning (what is implied), the utterance meaning (what is said), and the implied meaning (what is communicated).

What Accurately describe fundamentalism?

a belief in Protestant teachings and the literal truth of the Bible