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An egg will have the X chromosome and the sperm will have an X or Y chromosome.

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Q: Is there an X or Y chromosome in an egg?
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What do you call it when the sperm provides a Y chromosome and the egg provides an X chromosome?

a girl

During meiosis each egg normally carries a single x or y chromosome?

An egg can only carry an X chromosome. In normal cases, it only carries one. The sperm carries either one X or one Y chromosome.

What determines the gender of children?

the sperm cell that fertilizes ; y is a boy ; x is a girl

In humans a zygote will develop into a male it the?

egg contributes an X chromosome and the sperm contributes a Y chromosome.

What sex chromosome is found in human egg cell?

By human egg cell I guess you mean the oocyte (the one produced by the mother). The oocyte always carries the X chromosome, the sperm can either carry the Y or the X chromosome. Interestingly, the sperm which carries the Y is actually quicker than the one carrying the X, maybe because the X chromosome is far larger. So, if the Y chromosome sperm reaches the egg first, the child will be a boy (XY), and if the X chromosome sperm beats him to it, the child will be a girl (XX).

What TYPE of a sperm must fertilize an egg to result a female child?

X Chromosome results in a female Y Chromosome results in a male All sperm are either going to be an X or Y chromosome All eggs are X chromosome only

What chromosomes make a boy or a girl?

It is because males produce sperm cells with the X chromosome and sperm cells with the Y chromosome. If a sperm cell with a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg, then that child would be a boy, as the Y chromosome produces male offspring. If a sperm cell with a X chromosome fertilizes an egg, then the child would be a girl, as X is the female chromosome. The mother always passes on a X chromosome, but the father can pass on an X or a Y and thus determine the sex of the baby.

Are you more likely to have a boy if the father's family are all boys?

It is the sperm that fertilizes the egg that will determine the sex of your baby. Some sperm carry the X-chromosome and some sperm carry the Y-chromosome. If an X-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl. If a Y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy.

What does the sperm do during fertilization?

It adds either an x or y chromosome to the egg's nucleus.

What gender results from the combination of the x in the egg cell and y in the sperm cell?

Male as the Y chromosome is dominant

Why is x chromosome called x?

An X chromosome is known as an X chromosome based on its shape, which resembles an X. The Y chromosome resembles a Y.

How is a baby sexs determine?

It's determined by the genetic chromosome of the sperm. Women have only one X chromosome in the egg (both egg and sperm have 23 pairs of chromosomes, which unite to form 46). On the other hand, men have either X or Y chromosomes. If an egg (X chromosome) joins with an X chromosome sperm, the result will be a girl. If an egg (X chromosome) joins with a Y chromosome sperm, the result will be a boy. In other words: the guy determines the sex of a baby :)