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Milwaukee, Wisconsin instituted a program that utilizes the current Amber alert system but is called Silver Alert to aid in tracking the elderly.

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Q: Is there an elderly alert, similar to the Amber Alert, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
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Related questions

Who makes a good elderly medical alert system?

A good elderly medical alert system needs fast response and user friendliness

Where can I find reviews on elderly alert systems?

There are many options when considering an elderly alert system. You can try or

Where can one purchase a Life Alert button which can be classified as an elderly alarm?

Life Alert alarm buttons are available at the Life Alert website. The Life Alert buttons provide a way for anyone but especially the elderly, to contact emergency services. There is a monthly fee for the service.

How reliable are medical alert bracelets?

The medical alert bracelets are a great way for elderly to have a safe life. These braclets are very reliable and are a great way to keep the elderly safe.

Where can I buy an elderly alert systems?,, many local pharmacies such as rite aide and cvs carry elderly alert systems. They are very handy to have because if an elderly person falls they need a way to contact someone for help if they cannot get up.

What kind of elderly medical alert system should I buy for my parents?

You should consider one click alert for your parents

No-Fee Elderly Alert Systems for Independent Seniors?

Elderly alert systems are devices that older seniors often think about buying, but they might not know about elderly alert systems that do not have any monthly fees. An elderly alert system without fees simply bypasses the step that involves a neighbor or relative going to your home first. Instead, you have the option to code in a few specific code numbers, such as 911 or the local hospital, that are dialed as soon as you press the button on the device. This type of alert system is good for seniors who are on strict budgets and who prefer to live their own independent lifestyles.

What is the name of an elderly medical alert bracelet brand?

Sabona makes a nice one.

What should I know before buying an elderly medical alert for my house?

You should first consider how the ambulance crew is going to get into the house when you use the alert.

Do most security companies offer elderly alert systems?

Elder alert systems are not a common service but they are available. A little research should help you find out which companies in your area provide elder alert systems.

Where could one purchase a medical alert system for the elderly?

You can purchase a medical alert system through Bay Alarm medical for an inexpensive cost and free shipping . If you're signed up with AARP they can help you access an alert system through a service for the elderly. There are lots of online medical alert companies online with unique effective systems to prevent potential harm for disabled seniors .

Where can i find an ederly alert system for cheap?

There are several companies such as Liberty or Lifeline who offer elderly alert systems. You can find more information about starting up service at