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The Oldest One I Could Find Is "Love Leads the Way" From 1984

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Q: Is there an old movie about seeing eye dog?
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What is the breed of dog in the movie Old Dog?

Labrador Retriever

Third eye is it associated with the occult?

Well it is in a sense. The third eye was the old symbol for foresight (seeing into the future) now it is associated with the occult.

Why does my dog who is seventeen years old suddenly have phlegm in her eye?

It could be an eye infection. If worried, see a vet.

Which twilight movie starts out with Bella seeing her self old?

the answer is New Moon

What does it mean when pus comes out of an 18 year old dog's eye?

This is an indication of an infection in your dog's eye - if it doesn't resolve in a couple of days you should take him to the vet.

What kind of dog is in the movie housesitter?

Old English Sheepdog

What does it mean when a dog gets green eye matter in its eye?

My dog is old and gets it frequently. Like human conjuctivitis use cooled bolied water twice a day with cotten wool and gently wipe from eyes. If dog has it for over a week, see a vet for eye drops.

What kind of dog was in with one you get eggroll?

The kind of dog that was used in the movie With Six You Get Eggroll is not specified in the movie credits. The dog was named Calico and was possibly an Old English sheepdog.

When did the Jonas brothers dog die?

Their dog died in the filming of The movie "Camp Rock" because of old age.

What can you put on a dogs eye that has thick green goo coming out like an infant with an eye infection and the eye lids and ball is red?

put a cream on it an dit maters what dog it is and how old it is Answer 2 Please go to the vet, never try and treat an animals eye, no doubt the poor dog has an infection, and not necessarily just with his eye. If you had an infection like that in your eye, what would you do?

What year did eye of the tiger come out?

It was released in 1982 - making it 27 years old.

What does it mean when your dog is often tired sleepy eye watery eye bugery and often sneezes?

It depends on how old the dog is ...... If it is young it is probly just a little bug if it is a bit older definitely take it to the vets ....