

Is there another planetary system like the solar system?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Our solar system is only a tiny fraction of the universe. Many suns exist out there somewhere, but we might not know their exact location.

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Q: Is there another planetary system like the solar system?
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If you mean NATUERAL sattelite like a moon then it would be ganeymede which orbits Jupiter!

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When Earth was created, it was sucked into the Sun's gravitational field like the other 7 planets. That is why it revolves around the Sun.

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No, it's the other way around; our solar system is a (very tiny!) part of our Galaxy. Our galaxy is many BILLIONS of stars, most of which probably have (or perhaps, once had) some sort of planetary or asteroid system in orbit around them. Scientists once thought that planetary systems like our solar system would be scarce. But recent discoveries have found planets circling many or most of the nearby stars.

IS Jupiter bigger than the solar system?

Erm, no. Sorry. The Sun is 99% of the solar system, in mass. So, judging from that, all the planets that orbit it are in teh solar system. And nothing is bigger than our solar system! (except for mabye another solar system, or like a galaxy, or like a really big star, or a super amazing planet, or lik.. Nevermind.)

Is there an end to the solar system?

yes there is. a solar system is the sun and everything that revolves around it. and there is many suns out there, one is so big that it makes our sun look like a pinpoint in paper. so yes there is an end to our solar system because there is a begining to another.

What are stars in the solar system like?

there is only 1 star in our solar system, which is our sun. the stars that we can see at night are outside of our solar system

What is the name of the sun?

In English the proper name is "the Sun", however it is also frequently refered to by its latin name "Sol" (hence the name Solar System, the planetary system of the star Sol)

Why does the sun rotate on it axis?

Everything in the solar system - in fact, everything we know of in the universe - is spinning. The Sun spins the way it does because the entire planetary nebula that formed the Sun, the planets and the whole solar system was all spinning. That's why everything in our solar system spins the SAME WAY - counterclockwise. (Except Venus and Neptune.)

What planet has temperature like earth?

The Earth Like Planet that was newly discovered in another solar system (no i am not lying they did find a new earth-like planets

What else is looks like a star besides the sun in the solar system?

There is nothing else in the solar system which looks like the sun.

What is the solar system like?

Like, totally awesome.

What did astronomers think the solar system looked like?

People thought the earth was in the center of the solar system