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Yes, sperm can also contain AIDS.

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Q: Is there another way to get aids other than with blood?
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Can a certain blood type fight off aids faster than another?

I don't think any blood type could fight off AIDS.

Can you get aids from a person who does not have aids?

No No, to get AIDS you must have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. You cannot get AIDS if you did not have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. Hope this helped !

Who are the people at risk for AIDS?

Anyone who is sexually active or could possibly exhange bodily fluids...other than saliva....this could be blood transfussion or a cut or otherwise.

What makes aids different than other diseases?

it comes from buttsex

Does cold weather affect hiv aids patients?

It is irrelevant to AIDS patient.Cold weather can affect a normal person and so an AIDS patient. Since the patient has immunocompromised immunity the patient may feel sick more than the normal. Other than than there is no connection between cold weather and AIDS.

Can you get aids from rabbits?

I am 100% sure that you cannot get aids from rabbits or cats.

Is B positive a good blood health wise?

No blood is any better than another in regards to health. The only difference is some blood types are more accepting of other blood types if you ever need a blood transfusion.

How are GPSs and compasses related?

They are both navigational aids, but other than that they are entirely unrelated.

Who administered aids?

No one specific person alone can administer AIDS. AIDS is developed when someone has a sexual intercourse with more than one person. Sometimes, the development of AIDS is instant, and other times it slowly emerges from the one that is infected.

Why is it easy to prevent aids than malaria?

because scientist have evidence in which they can predict aids happening rather than aids

Can a man get aids by suking his penis?

A man who sucks his own penis will not have more aids than before whether he had this disease or not beforehand. More seriously, you can have aids by practising oral sex if your partner have aids of course, since you can swallow some sperm which may mix with blood. The risk is limited but there is still a risk.

Do flea bites cause illnesses other than the plague?

super AIDS and turbo ghonneria