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Yes, you get someone else's sperm put inside you.

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Q: Is there another way to make babies?
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How do elephants make babies?

They are making a babies like the another animals do.

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The same way you make babies.

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The same way that everyone makes babies - by sexual intercourse.

How do pig make babies?

The same way we do...with pigs

How do you make a baby if you are not in a relationship?

Babies are made the same way, whether you are in a relationship or not.

What does esperanza give to the babies to make them ill?

She gives them another medicine that they aren't suppose to eat

Do howler monkeys make babies?

Howler monkeys are mammals and they do have babies the same way other mammals have babies. The mother and father have sex, and a while later, the mother gives birth.

How can you find more information about funny babies?

One may find information about funny babies on Blooper Box. They have some really funny videos of babies which are uploaded by fans. Also, You Tube is another fun way to find out about funny babies.

Can a girl get pregnant with another baby if she is already pregnant?

No she can not conceive another baby if there is already one in there. The only way that there would be two babies was if they were twins.

How do you men and women make babies?

It is not possible for guys to get pregnant. Although, they can adopt. They can also have another female carry their baby.

Can Webkinz make babies?

no, they cannot make babies.

What does soft as a babies butt mean?

That's just another way of saying soft as something really soft.