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Salt makes the water more conductive, and help the process along, but also can release some toxic gas. Another alterative is baking soda, which does the same thing, but dosent release the toxic gas.

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1w ago

Yes, a common catalyst used for the electrolysis of water is platinum. Other catalysts such as iridium oxide or ruthenium oxide can also be used to improve the efficiency of the process by reducing the overpotential required for water splitting.

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Q: Is there any catalyzer for electrolysis of water?
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What is the second best electrode material for the electrolysis of water?

Platinum is considered the second best electrode material for the electrolysis of water, after iridium. Platinum is durable, has good electrical conductivity, and is resistant to corrosion, making it suitable for electrolysis applications.

What chemical properties do the products of electrolysis have that are produced by the decomposition of water?

The chemical properties of the products of electrolysis of water include hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Hydrogen gas is flammable and can form explosive mixtures with air, while oxygen gas supports combustion. Both gases are diatomic molecules at room temperature and pressure.

What are the disadvantages of using salt water to conduct electricity?

Using salt water to conduct electricity can lead to corrosion of the conducting material due to the salt content. It can also result in the production of harmful byproducts, such as chlorine gas, during electrolysis. Additionally, salt water is less efficient than other conducting materials, such as copper wire, for transmitting electricity over long distances.

The use of an electric current to produce a relatively permanent removal of undesired hair is known as?


Does water give off gases when you pass a current through it?

Yes, when an electric current is passed through water, it can electrolyze the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases. This process is known as electrolysis, where the water molecules break down into their constituent elements.

Related questions

Who discover the electrolysis of water?

William Nicholson and Anthony Carlisle discovered the electrolysis of water in May 1800

What can you get from water?

Electrolysis of water produce hydrogen.

How to separate hydrogen in water?

Hydrogen can be separated from water through a process called electrolysis. In this process, an electric current is passed through water, which causes the water molecules to split into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The hydrogen gas is then collected at one electrode, while oxygen gas is collected at the other electrode.

When a substance is decomposed by an electric current what type of reaction does it have?

This is electrolysis of a molten compound.

What is used as the anode in sodium chloride electrolysis?

For example titanium (electrolysis in water solution).

The decomposition of water can be brought about by?


What is the name of a process by which water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen?

It's an example of electrolysis. Not unwanted hair removal, but that does use the same process. Electrolysis is the process of breaking down compounds by running an electric current through them.

What is the reaction equation of electrolysis of water with copper electrodes?

The reaction equation for the electrolysis of water using copper electrodes is: 2H2O(l) -> 2H2(g) + O2(g). At the cathode, hydrogen gas is produced, while at the anode, oxygen gas is produced. Copper electrodes do not participate in the reaction, they only serve as conductors for the flow of electrons.

How can you get oxygen from water?

Electrolysis is an appropriate method for extracting gaseous O2 from water. The electrolysis of water gives:2H2O(l) > 2H2(g) + O2(g)

What chemicals can be obtained from the electrolysis of sodium chloride?

Electrolysis of a water solution: sodium hydroxide, hydrogen, chlorine..Electrolysis of molten NaCl: sodium, chlorine.

What do we use electrolysis for in everyday life?

Any use of electrolysis in everyday life of an appartment.

How did electrolysis changes the water?

Water is dissociated in hydrogen and oxygen.