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No. You can go to 10.0. Now if you have a vinyl liner that chlor level might have to be lower.


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Q: Is there any cause for concern if the chlorine level of your pool is 3 or higher?
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Is a creatinine blood level of 1.06 cause for concern?

creatinine blood level of 1.06 byitself is not a cause for concern. Normal adult levels are 0.5/0.6 to 1.1/1.2.

What do you need to do if your free chlorine level is higher than your total chlorine level?

Get a new test kit or new test reagents. Total Chlorine is the measure of free and combined chlorine, therefore the free chlorine cannot be higher than the Total Chlorine. You can't put 10 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket.

Should you shock the pool if your chlorine level is high?

You only need to shock the pool if there is visible algae, or if the ppm of total chlorine is higher than the ppm of free chlorine. Generally, a level of 2-4 ppm chlorine is all you need to keep your pool sanitary. Let the level drop to that on its own, or use sodium thiosulfate to drop it quickly if you notice itchy skin from excessive chlorine.

Why do the bubbles in your solar blanket deflate?

Chlorine causes the entire blanket to degredate. It won't last as long as the manufacturers claim and the higher the chlorine level, the harder it is on your cover.

What level of pulse oximetry would cause concern?

The answer depends on the clinical situation. Depending on the patient's age and health, and the context of the test, anything below 90-95% could be a cause for concern.

Does argon or chlorine have a higher ionization energy?

Argon. As you go across (left to right) on the periodic table the energy of an atom increases. Argon is farthest left of chlorine therefore making Argon have a higher ionization energy level.

What to do if total chlorine level is at 3 and free chlorine level is at 10?

my free chlorine level is way to high above ten my pool is 12 by 24 what can i do to fix it

Will chlorine kill bacteria produced by bird droppings in swimming pool?

Chlorine in pools is designed to take care of a normal amount of bird droppings. If you have a higher level of bird droppings than normal in your pool, you need to raise your chlorine level and backwash your filter every couple of days.

What is the highest occupied energy level for chlorine?

The 3rd energy level is the highest occupied energy level for chlorine with seven electrons.

Can algaecide interact with chlorine thereby reducing the level of free chlorine in a swimming pool?

yes, the algae feeds on the chlorine.. must get rid of algae, then bring up chlorine level

Can you swim in pool hat has a normal chlorine level but the free chlorine level is high?

There is 3 measurements of chlorine in a pool or spa. Total chlorine, combined chlorine, and free available chlorine. Free available chlorine is the good chlorine that is active in the pool killings germs and algae. Combined chlorine is chlorine is basically chlorine that was once active but has killed germs or bacteria and is now inactive in the pool. Total chlorine is free available and combined chlorine added together. If your combined chlorine is higher than free available chlorine then the water needs to be shocked to eliminate the combined chlorine. But be careful here. If you don't reach what's called break point you will only add to the combined chlorine. There are products on the market which will only remove combined chlorine without effecting your free available chlorine if you are unsure about reaching breakpoint. Hope this helps.

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Price level stability.