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If U have 2 ask a dumb azz question like that, U get a dumb azz answer like this, only if U snort it.......

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Q: Is there any component in super glue that would test positive for heroin?
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Is there any ingredient in super glue that would test positive for heroin?

Most likely not, but all super glues are different.

Does Tylenol with codine show up as heroin?

Codine is an opiate, and heroin is also an opiate. So if drug tested after taking Codine, you would test positive for opiates. Drug tests don't test for "heroin" or "Marijuana", they test for THC or Opiates, and other various controlled compounds.

Can you test positive for meth from taking Vicodine?

Vicodine is an opioid (similar to morphine, heroin, etc) Methamphetamine is an amphetamine (very similar to Adderall) They're very different, therefore testing positive would be impossible.

Does bleach clean urine of heroin test?

If you mean would bleach remove heroin from a urine sample the short answer is no heroin is a drug not a bacteria or virus if bleach was added to urine it would definitely not take the heroin out of the urine if it were present.

Why would heroin show in drug test if you haven't taken it?

If you are taking some prescription medications, or are really addicted to poppy seed bagels[ two or more a day] you may get a false positive. Also, Heroin is an opioid, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone and Codeine are also opioid, so if you took any of these, that would make you test positive also. Had the same thing happen to me when i was scripted Oxycodone and forgot to tell them at the Hospital.

What is the Cost of a balloon of heroin?

i don't know why you would need to know this because heroin is illegal.

What drugs will show positive on a drug test for OPI and OXY?

I would also love to hear the answer to this. I tested negative for opiates and the parole officer said I came out positive for oxy, doesn't make sense to me, I thought it was an opiate

What does it mean if you dream about heroin?

There are too many possibilities to suggest a meaningful interpretation. A dream of using heroin would be very different from a dream of buying or selling heroin or of watching someone else using heroin.

What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..

What can cause a morphine false positive?

Taking a drug that has morphine in it. This includes heroin. Heroin will return a positive result for morphine. Morphine of course will also; however, morphine is rarely available on the street.

How would a heroin user get endocarditis?

You can get Endocarditis from shooting up bad heroin that has lots of bacteria in it. Also, sharing needles.

What tattoo would represent heroin addiction?

a needle?